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Author's pov.

As Jisoo fell on the ground  Taehyung run toward her as he was about lift her up his eyes widened as he felt how hot she was. She was burning hot.

"Fuck." He cursed.

"M-mom get a cold water and a towel please." He said and he walked her over at Jisoo's old bed.

He laid her there taking off Jisoo's heels and untie her hair.

"What happened?"Jin ask coming near at the bed so Namjoon as well. While their mother went downstairs to get a cold water and towel.

"She's burning."Namjoon mumbled. Jisoo's body was shaking made them worried more.

"Jisoo?."she opened her eyes a little bit as tears fell.

"I-it's c-cold." She said her lips was so pale and dry.

"Shush it's okay we're here."Namjoon said he grab the towel from their mother. She placed the bowl in the bedside table.

"I-im sorry. I'm s-sorry for r-ruining.."
She look at Taehyung as the boy nodded, doesn't like seeing her suffering.

"Hmm it's okay hmm? Just rest for now.." he said.

"My..k-kids... where are they?" She ask lifelessly.

"Don't worry. They are with Jimin now."Their mother said caressing hair.

Jisoo look up at her and quickly look at the other side. Not wanting to see her.

"T-tzuyu... I want Tzuyu with me." She begged.


Tzuyu went inside the bedroom only seeing her foster mother laying there being wrapped by a blanket. Sleeping. Namjoon called her to come because Jisoo wanted her to take care of her.

She's in peace when Tzuyu is around her when she's so down and not feeling well.

She is her comfort zone. She's the only one who can understand her for now because her kids was still so innocent to understand from what's happening around them.

"She has a fever. She only wants you here."Maya said smiling at her.

"Please take care of her for now sweetheart she doesn't want us to be here."Tzuyu nodded as she walked and sat beside Jisoo on the bed.

"Can you leave us please?"Tzuyu ask politely.

"Okay I'm coming back here tomorrow, I'll talk to her Alone."Taehyung said emphasizing the last word looking at Namjoon and Jin, including their mother.

He left the room first as the others followed behind him. Jin gave a last look before letting out a heavy sigh and closed the door.

Tzuyu look at Jisoo's sleeping face. Her make up was already off and her hair was untied already.

She place the back of her hand on Jisoo's forehead checking her temperature.

"Mom? I'm here.."She spoke softly. Jisoo opened her eyes weakly.

"D-don't leave me chewy."Jisoo begged and cried silently. Tzuyu smiled at her nodding her head.

"I won't, I'll stay here with you hmm? Come...let me hug my Mommy."Jisoo shifted in the bed as Tzuyu hugged her.

"Sleep now and rest hmm?"


"What the hell was that Kim Taehyung? What did you do to her?!"Their mother Maya ask in a whisper shout as all of them walk down the stairs.

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