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Jisoo's pov

I woke up with the most painful headache. The bed is warm and it's fragrance totally helped me sleep very well. I roamed my eyes around the room. That little shit do have some taste huh? Yes I know that Jungkook brought me here in their home. I am drunk but I could still remember what happened yesterday. I look at the digital alarm clock on his bedside table and it's already 9:00am.

We got suspended for one week so no lessons and useless discussions in one one week. That's good.

"Get up and I'll send you home." The door opened revealing him crossing his arms. He was wearing a blue jeans and brown man's cardigan. His hair is messy matching his expression. Bored.

"Get out I need to sleep more." I said and tucked my self under his thick and warm blanket. This feels so good.

"Kim don't pick a fight in here." I ignore him

"Kim Jisoo!" He yelled.

"I'll call Taehyung hyung that you're here and I'll let him fetch you himself." I stood up on the bed and smirk.

"Go ahead. it's not like I'm going home with him anyways." I added. The door opened revealing Somi made my day lightened up. Finally I saw something good early in the morning.

"Unnniiiee!" She screamed. Throwing herself to ms. ohh God I really miss this little girl.

"Slowly sweetie your heart!" I warned her.

"Mommy asked me to call you guys for breakfast." She said and I nodded. I look at Jungkook and smirk.

"I heard that auntie Jessie  is a good Cook."I said brushing Somi's hair. She's really pretty.

"Yup let's go Jisoo unnie. Mom cooked her best recipe for you."

"Tss."Jungkook followed us also

"Don't mind him Jisoo unnie. He is on his period." She said as we both laughed.

We followed him towards their dining area. It's been months since I last went here to visit Somi. Of course I've make sure that Jungkook is not home that time or else we're just going to choke each other to death..

"Jisoo-yah come and sit here eat breakfast with us. "Auntie Jessie said. I went to hug her as well so uncle too. Somi pat the available chair beside her. I nodded and quietly settled myself there. Auntie sat in front of me as Jungkook were facing Somi.

We all started to eat but before that I saw how Auntie Jessie served Jungkook and Somi's food for them like what mothers always does for their Children.

' I wish I have someone to do that for me'

"Jisoo give me your plate. I heard chicken is your favourite. So I cook some for you." She said. I look at Somi who's happily munching her food. She look at me and nodded. I'm shy to bother her just to serve me food on my plate but I don't want to be rude as well so I gave her my plate and smile forcedly. Is this really their culture? serving food for each other? Is there even like that? I don't know but It felt warm. After some years this is the very first time I felt warm. Their home is cozy and warm. Unlike mine.

Should I just live here? That's not a bad idea actually.

She placed my plate in front of me. I bowed at her and eat silently.

"So Jisoo. What course are you getting on the college?" Uncle Jungsuk ask me. I  placed my utensils down and drink my water.

"Umm I wanted to be a Music teacher." I observed their reactions and as I expected. All of them are confused. Who wouldn't right? A lot of people expected me and my brothers will follow Mom and Dad's footsteps in medicine world. Well my three brothers will except of me l.

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