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Jisoo's pov

I woke up when someone pat my bare shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed it again because of the sunlight was hitting my face.

I heard someone's chuckle beside me made me look up and furrowed my eyebrows. Wait, where am I?

"Good morning!" I look beside me and saw Jungkook, smiling. I abruptly move away from him with wide eyes.

No fucking way

I look down to check if I'm naked and....I am.

"What the hell did you fucking do??!!" I yelled and covered my body with the thick blanket.

"Oh come'on Kim, don't act like you don't remember what we dis last night-"

"Don't tell me.." He furrowed his brows and laugh like I am the funniest JOKE ever.


This can't be happening!

I glared at him and hurriedly stood up, still covering myself with a thick blanket. Gosh my head hursts. I look around finding my clothes.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" He held my wrist but I pulled it back.

"It's none of your business."

"For your information Kim, you enjoyed it last night-"

"Shut up Jeon." I saw my clothes laying neatly on the mini sofa. I quickly went there and grab it.

"Jisoo let's talk-" He held my wrist again but I glared at him. Tears fell one by one as my conscience took all over my heart. My kids were waiting for me, I promised to sleep with them last night because I was too busy and often took a overtime from the business company and hospital. I must've disappoint them.

"Let me go Jeon, I want to go home!" I said getting my teeth. I found the door towards the bathroom and went there straight to change.

I look myself on the mirror. What happened last night is huge mistake. I don't remember all the things that happened last night but I'm sure, we did it. The fuck. Why did I even let my guard down for fucking sake?

"Jisoo please let's talk it out." I have to go home. I want to see my kids. I went out and ignore him.

"I cooked breakfast for us why don't you joi-"

"Can you please stop?" I was trying so hard to calm myself down and face him. I need to clear things out.

"I don't remember what happened last night but if there really is-"

"We fucked." I look at him in disbelief. The way those words rolled on his tongue is just, it disgusts me.

"Then if we really did that'll be the biggest mistake I've done in my whole LIFE!"

He look stunned. I cannot figure out what his face, expressions rather, is saying.

"Listen to me Jungkook. This is all a mistake. We fucked last night? That's a mistake! I have my kids waiting for me in my house. You should've send me in my home not here!" I pushed him using my index finger.

"Let me explain will you?" He took a step forward but I step backwards. I shook my head. I don't want to listen at his shits!

"Explain what? That you took advantage of me being drunk last night? Fuck you!"

"What happened between us last night, we fucked or what, it should stay as it is. No one should know or find out what happened especially my brothers and everyone."

"Mistake... Fuck mistake! You're just scared that you might fall for me again!" He yelled at me. That shut me up for a second.

"No. I am not scared falling for you because I know that it will never happen again. Falling for you is my greatest failure Jeon. I want you those words to stick in that little head of yours!"  I walk passed him, bumping his shoulder. I just want to go home and stay away from him.

"Are you really going to throw away our memories like that huh? Is it because you already had kids?"

"Don't you fucking dare bring up my kids in this shitty conversation!" I yelled at him. I cannot talk to him calmly. Never. I cannot. "And why the hell make me look like I am at fault in here? Am I the one who cheated and freely fuck other people like he is not in a relationship?"

"See? You cannot even answer properly."

I left him there and called Jihyo.

"Where are you?"

"Pick me up at the Golden Lotus hotel now!" I hang up and press the lobby the moment I went inside the elevator. The door closed made me cry my heart out. This is wrong! How I can be this stupid?


Author's POV.

"Can you stop pacing back and forth hyung?"Namjoon said at Jin who's been walking here and there non stop they are trying to contact their sister but her phone was turned off.

"What if something happened to her?"Jin said biting his nails.

"Did you guys call Jungkook? Maybe he knows."Lisa ask while swaying her body here and there with her daughter Celine on her arms.

"Yes. Calling him and ask if he knows where Jisoo unnie is won't hurt right?"Jennie agreed at Lisa. Jin nodded and took out his phone to call Jungkook.

A few more rings before he answered.

"Jungkook. Did you perhaps know where Jisoo is? We cannot reach her out. Her phone was turned of-"

Jin's words was cut off when he look at his phone. Made the other look at him confused.

"Is anything wrong Hon?"Lisa ask worriedly. Jin look at her and smile nervously.

Jin's POV.

(I don't know where she is and please don't ask me about her.)


I was shocked when he suddenly turned off the call. His voice was so rough and weak is he sick?

All of us averted at the main door went open revealing her. She looks so drained.

"Jisoo where were you?" I ask walking near her. Checking if she was okay. I think she is but her face says it all.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked but she only shook her head.

"Sorry for worrying you guys, I book a hotel room."She said. I look down at the purse she was holding.

That's the thing I gave Jungkook last night.

"Where's the kids?" She ask. Looking around. She looks really tired and messy.

"School. Tzuyu just arrived one hour ago and for sure she is sleeping right now."She nodded and left like that.

The purse... She brought her purse back it  means...

Holy cow.

~to be continued.

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