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Jungkook's pov.

She's here. She's a doctor. She's a Cardiologist. She is Somi's new assigned doctor and she is a mother of two kids.

"Mr.Jeon are you still with us?" The intern of my company ask getting me out  from my deep thoughts. I look at them who's already eyeing on me.

I cleared my throat and act casually.

"Okay let's do that. Meeting dismissed"I said and stood up. Walking straight towards my office.

My mind is so messy. It's been one month since I saw her and yet...my mind won't ever left her image. She have changed a lot. Her looks, her brown hair, her butt, it's pretty big now it shows her curves and...and her chest,..her heart shaped lips is so plump- what the fuck are you thinking for fucking sake Jungkook??!!!!

I'm supposed to get mad at her. She left me. She didn't give me a fucking moment to explain everything to her.

My phone chimes indicating that someone just messaged me.


Get home early, we're attending a welcoming party for Jisoo.

My family loves her so much. Mom and Dad was disappointed at me when they heard about the shit I did back then.

And Somi.....she hated me like forever.


I'm busy Mom, you guys can go without me,

From: Mom😘

I called your secretary. You're available now, don't fucking around me son.

To: Mom😘

Fine... I'll come, I'll follow...happy now?

From: Mom😘

You should come, remember that?

I throw my phone slightly on the table. Somi was still in the hospital. She's already awake but she was just quiet, waiting for her favorite person to visit her and take care of her. Jisoo left because of me it's my fault and I know that.

But is leaving me are the right choice? Does leaving us made her happy? I need to talk to her as soon as possible. I once tried to come near her but she avoided me.

Tsk....what now? Because her husband will get mad?


It's already 7:30pm. I drove towards the venue. They held it on a five star hotel though.

I came in and a lot of familiar faces welcomed me. Business man that I once talk with and some are my ex business partners.

There's a mellow music on the back ground. I was wearing a black suit and paired it with my LV black shoes.

"Kook you're here."Hobi hyung greeted me as I went closer at their table.

"Well just got off from work." I greeted back I saw Jennie noona. She smiled at me slightly and went to give  me a friendly hug. I know they're still not forgiving me that fully. But I want to earn their trust back.

"Here Kook seat here."Jihyo said pointing at the available chair beside the little girl. She's the one who got lost in the hospital last month. Along with her twin brother beside her both of them are eating their desert.

They're looking so expensive. What did I expect? They are Kim Jisoo's kids

"Hi." The girl probably noticed that I was staring at her for too long. She's just too cute to stare at. I never imagined that Jisoo will have kids not with me but... with other man. Is this a revenge though?

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