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Jisoo's pov.

"Bitch!! You don't have any idea how disgusting we are earlier. "Oliver's high pitch voice echoes my whole bedroom. I was doing my night routine in my bathroom. We just arrived from the party and it was fucking tiring. I shouldn't have went there. I regret it.

"Can you fucking shut your mouth? The twins are already sleeping!" I hissed at him. He went in wearing his bath robe and started to do his night skin routine as well.

Oliver Kim- I mean Oliver Kun, my Korean and American friend in Amsterdam and.... he's a gay. He doesn't have any dick anymore. I ask him to do me a damn favor which is he needed to pretend that we're married. That he is the father of my kids.

Oliver is a pretty guy. If he was just a real man I would probably date him but....he is a fucking gay.

"Anyways, that guy who volunteered to find Luna too earlier." He started. I look at him through the mirror raising my eyebrows.

"What?" He suddenly gave me his teasing smile. He look like a clown whenever he does that shit.

"He's your...ex you are talking about right? The Jungkook guy? He's the kiddos daddy as well."I rolled my eyes and nodded slightly. About the kids calling Oliver a  papa. They're used to it. Since they were still small like 2 years old. Oliver told them to call him Papa and he's fucking spoiling them so much. I won't mind though. As long as it was a good thing for my son and daughter and if they're happy with it, then go.

"Girl he is fucking handsome. Luca really looks like him and I was really amazed. The way Luca act the way he smiled. The way he talks oh my Gosh. Talking to him earlier feels like déjà vu." My kids were triplets. First Luca, second Luna and lastly but not the least....Luke.

"Speaking about Luca. Did you already visit him? How's his condition?"

I sighed and turn around leaning my butt on the sink.

"I called his doctor from time to time. Asking how is he and he is fine so far. And I found this not to wide Island. I was planning to buy it." I saw how his eyes widened. It's true, there's this small Island and we needed to use a yacht to go there. It's not on the other country, it's just here inside the our country.

"Island? Are you fucking around me?"I
shook my head and smirk.

"I already scheduled an appointment to meet the seller. The purpose of me buying it because I wanted to bring Luca here too. I want him to recover on a beautiful place, a refreshing one and I really want a place where we can have our vacation." I explained and he nodded. "I want my son near me."

"So when are we going to stop all this shit?" Honestly. I don't know. I don't even know why the fuck I planned this fuckery plan.

"Sis... I cancelled all my transformation schedule, because of you. Because you promised that it is just for a while."He said and now I really feel guilty about it.

"When I'll have the courage to tell him about the kids. Let's end this." She said giving him my puppy eyes.

"Fine. It's not because you're my best friend for almost 8 years. This is what I pay when you save my mom hmm?" I nodded my head before hugging him. He was the first ever friend I made when I started studying in Business and Science school. He approached me and ask what skin care do I used and he started to ask about my stuffs and expensive bags and shoes and everything, and we started talking and hanging around. he helped me taking care of my three kids.

About his mother. After I graduated in Medicine. I worked at one of the prestigious hospital in Amsterdam and treat his mom. Who had a heart problem and I'm the one who took the operation and miraculously saved her and Oliver is so fucking rich. He's about to undergo on a surgery to become a hot momma, but..he ended up agreeing to my favor.

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