Coruscant Battle, Count Dooku, escaping

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Okay here is the 2nd version of this story

3rd POV

Above Coruscant a Republic Cruiser flies by then a yellow and red Jedi fighters head towards it and following them is an Arc-170 fighter they flying pass the cannons over the hanger spinning twice before going down to see below is more Republic cruisers and Separatists cruisers firing at each other Vulture droids and fighters fly by.

The two Jedi fighters and Arc-170 manoeuvre through the battle passing a Separatist cruiser going underneath another one that the front cannons firing heading forward a cannon from a Republic cruiser fires destroying a cannon on a Separatist cruiser making the Jedi fighters and Arc-170 move out of the way passing the fire.

In front a Republic cruiser fires a laser destroying a Separatist cruiser causing all three ships to move as a piece of rubble flies and hits a part of the Republic cruiser underneath while the Jedi fighters and Arc-170 regroup inside the Arc-170 is Axel.

Axel POV

R3 is beeping I press a few buttons I said "Lock onto him, R3" I look forward "Generals, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead, sir" In the distance is Grievous ship Anakin said "The one crawling with vulture droids" Obi Wan said "Oh, I see it" I stare ahead "Oh, this is going to be easy" I notice the Vulture droids coming I said "Generals, they're coming" I press a few buttons.

I notice Oddball coming with his group right behind us I press a button for my wings to open up twice I saw Anakin and Obi Wan open their flaps Anakin said "This is where the fun begins" I nod said "I agree with you, General" looking ahead the Vulture's droid get closer "Here they come" Obi Wan said "Let them pass between the three of us".

Obi Wan, Anakin and I move for Vulture droids to pass I fire destroying a few Oddball and his group split as we head for Grievous ship, but I hear a Clone said "They're all over me" I glance at the radio "Get them off my—" Suddenly the connects statics I said "I'm going to help them out" Anakin calls "Same here" We begin to turn but Obi Wan said "No".

I look over to him "No, they doing their job so we can do ours" I hesitant but continue following Anakin and Obi Wan forward R3 beeps I look saw two Vultures firing missiles I call "Missiles" Anakin said "Pull up" We move our ships to avoid them Obi Wan said "They overshot us" But Anakin said "They're coming around" I turn said "Split up".

I went pass a Separatist cruiser R3 beeping "I know they're still behind us" I turn avoiding a Vulture saw a bridge having an idea I went forward fast towards the bridge I look at the radar saw the missiles getting closer R3 beeping "Wait for it" We got closer I pull up and went over the bridge R3 screaming I look at the radar and missiles hit the bridge I smirk.

Anakin flies by he said "Got rid our missiles" I ask "What did you do" Looking to him Anakin said "Spin them around until they hit each other" I look forward "How about you" I smirk said "Sent them into a Separatist bridge" Anakin laughs, and I laugh we went towards Obi Wan I notice Buzz Droids on his ship Obi Wan said "I'm hit, Anakin, Axel".

I said "We see them, sir" Anakin said "Buzz droids" They activated then R4 head went pass Obi Wan said "They shutting down all the controls" I ask "Idea's Anakin" Anakin said "Try and shoot them off" I wasn't sure, but I said "I hope your right" I aim my cannons Anakin said "Move to the right so Axel can get a clear shot at them" But Obi Wan said "The mission".

I get ready to fire "Get to the command ship" I narrow my eyes "Get the chancellor" I went forward press the trigger and fire "I'm running out of tricks here" Hitting a few Buzz droids and a flap shock I said "Whoops" We went pass a Republic cruiser Obi Wan close his flaps he said "Hold your fire" I move away from the trigger "You're both not helping" I said "I agree, sir".

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