Escape, Garbage, Obi Wan vs Darth Raven

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Raven POV

Staring at Tarkin I said "They are here" I breathe as Tarkin ask "Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" He move his head a bit "What makes you think so" I said "A tremor in the Force" I breathe "The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old generals" But Tarkin said "Surely they must be dead by now" I breathe staring at Tarkin who stands up.

He walks around the table I said "Don't underestimate the Force" Tarkin said "The Jedi are extinct" I watch him breathing "Their fire has gone out of the universe" The console beeps making Tarkin walk back "You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion" I breathe as Tarkin press a button "Yes" A Man said "We have an emergency alert in Detention Block AA-23"

I breathe Tarkin ask "The princess" He looks at the console "Put all sections on alert" Staring at him I said "Obi Wan and Anakin are here" I breathe "The Force is with them" Looking to me Tarkin said "If you're right, they must not be allowed to escape" I said "Escape is not their plan" Staring at him "I must face them alone" I turn leaving the room breathing.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Anakin and Ben are holding their lightsabers thinking Ben said "We must split up once we reach the tractor beam" Nodding Anakin said "We'll meet back at the Falcon" Ben nods and they went down a hall while Chewie at the elevator hearing it, he turns Chewie grunts said "Argh" Han turns he said "Get behind me".

He motion behind him "Get behind me" Chewie runs passing Han just as the elevator doors are blast open making a hole Han and Chewie fire their weapons at the hole and a Stormtrooper got shot limps down and another Stormtrooper got hit while Han and Chewie moved back to the Cell Blocks firing just as a couple of Stormtroopers made it through and fire back at Han.

The 1st Stormtrooper turns he said "Watch your left" Two more Stormtroopers came through the hall "They went down the cell bay" Chewie and Han met up with Leia and Luke all looking at the smoke Han said "Can't get out that way" Looking pass Leia said ""Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route" Turning to her Han said "Maybe you'd like back in your cell, Your Highness".

A couple shots fire hitting the wall making Luke, Leia, and Han take cover on either side of the wall raising the com Luke said "C-3PO" He and Leia leans back against the wall "C-3PO" C-3PO ask "Yes, sir" Luke avoids another shot "Are there any other ways out of the cell bay" Leia avoids a shot "We've been cut off" The Stormtroopers fire at them.

Han fires back at them with his blaster "What was that" The Stormtroopers took cover "I didn't copy" Luke fires at the Stormtroopers who fire back while C-3PO is holding the commlink he said "I said all systems have been altered to your presence, sir" R2 and R3 both turn watching C-3PO walking forward "The main entrance seems to be the only way in or out".

He looks at the commlink "All other information on our lever is restricted" Suddenly a Stormtrooper said "Open up in there" C-3PO looks to the door "Open up in there" C-3PO said "Oh, no" Avoiding another shot Luke said "There isn't any other way out" The Stormtroopers fire at them Chewie growls said "Argh" Han fires back at the Stormtroopers killing one.

Turning his head Han said "I can't hold them off forever" He looks back and fires again "Now what" A Stormtrooper fires and Leia said "This is some rescue" Han fires as Leia spread her arm "When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out" Han yells "He's the brains, sweetheart" He motion Luke as a shot went pass and Han fires twice.

Luke said "Well, I didn't..." Suddenly Leia grab Luke's blaster and fires making a hole in the grate next to Han who' surprise looking to her Han ask "What the hell are you doing" Leia said "Somebody has to save our skins" She move across firing a few shots at the Stormtroopers until she reach Han side "Into the garbage chute, flyboy" Leia threw the blaster to Luke who caught it.

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