Obi Wan's, Death, Tie battle, Yavin 4, Preparing

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Chewie, Han and Anakin reach a door leading to the hanger to see Stormtroopers there Han ask "Didn't we just leave this party" Staring Anakin said "There's always more of them" Chewie growls said "Aagh" Leia and Luke join them noticing Han ask "What kept you" Leia said "We ran into some old friends" Leia notice Anakin "General Skywalker"?

Anakin looks to Leia he said "Yes, I am" He looks back "Ben and I got your message and I'm impressed you got them this far" They look at the hanger Luke ask "Is the ship all right" Staring Han said "Seems okay, if we can get to it" Han looks to Anakin "I hope you and the old man got the tractor beam down" He looks back Anakin said "I'm sure Ben has got his down and I did".

Ben and Raven continue to clash tips of their lightsabers until they reach a door to the hanger Raven breathes staring at Ben and they clash again before they circle each other making the Stormtroopers look towards them Ben and Raven both clash again a Stormtrooper motion the others and they run over towards Ben and Raven.

Noticing them running Leia said "Look" Seeing they are running in a direction of the noise turning C-3PO said "Come on, R2, R3" R2 and R3 pull their plugs out "We're going" R2 and R3 both beep activating their third leg and they roll with C-3PO walking heading for the Falcon while Anakin said "I think we should go now" Nodding Han said "Go" Luke, Anakin, Leia, Han and Chewie all run out of the door.

But Luke stop and sees Ben fighting against Raven and Luke ask "Ben" Catching Anakin's attention he said "Raven" Luke takes a few steps forward and Anakin went to him they watch the Stormtroopers stop at the door watching this while Raven and Ben aim their lightsabers at each other Raven breathing then Ben looks to the hanger pass the Stormtroopers and saw Anakin and Luke watching.

Ben gives Anakin a look that he knew so well and Anakin nods back slowly to Ben who looks to Raven who breathes staring then Ben smiles raise his lightsaber in front of him and close his eyes noticing Raven said "Fool" He swings his lightsaber at Ben who suddenly disappears his cloak and lightsaber hit the floor shocked Luke yells "No" Anakin yells "Obi Wan".

The Stormtroopers turn around seeing them and fires Han fires as R2, R3 and C-3PO all went up the ramp and Luke fire at them with Anakin pulling out his lightsaber deflecting a few shots they hit a couple of Stormtroopers while Raven breathing walking to Ben's cloak he steps on it to feel nothing Han yells "Come on" Luke fires and Leia said "Luke, General, Come on".

Anakin said "Come, Luke" He runs to the ship deactivating his lightsaber but Luke fires at the remaining Stormtroopers that took cover Leia yells "Luke, it's too late" Han yells "Blast the door, kid" Luke fires hitting the control panel making the blast doors close in front of Raven who turns breathing then his Elites arrive with Stormtroopers behind them.

Han and Leia run pass Anakin who calls "Luke" Luke fires shooting down another Stormtrooper then Ben said "Run, Luke, run" Luke glance to where the voice was and turns running to Anakin and they went up the ramp quickly while Chewie got the power back on Han enters the cockpit sitting down Han said "I hope those old men got the tractor beam out of commission, of this is gonna be a short trip".

Han turns press a few buttons "Okay, hit it" Chewie pulls a lever, and the Millennium Falcon backs out of the hanger turning around and leaves turning Chewie grunts said "Aargh aargh" He nods to Han who press a button looking forward Chewie grunts looking forward and they leave the Death Star.

Meanwhile Luke is at the table frowning and Anakin sits next to him rubbing his back comforting him as C-3PO, R2 and R3 watch them Leia comes over and puts a blanket over Luke's shoulders making him look to her and back Leia sits down while looking at the console Han said "We're coming up on their sentry ships" Chewie reach forward, and Han turn his chair "Hold them off".

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