Yoda, Training, Chase

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Raven POV

We made it to the asteroid field Elites 1, 2 and 3 stood at the window as I stare at the officers holograms one disconnected the Captain said "And that was the last time they appeared in any of our scopes" I breathe "Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they must have been destroyed" But I said "No, Captain".

I stare at him "They're alive" I take another breath "I want every ship available to sweep the asteroid field until they are found" The Captain and officer bows their heads, and the hologram disconnects Elites 1, 2 and 3 walk over to me Elite 3 ask "Are you sure they're here, Master" Turning to her I said "Yes, my apprentice they are" I begin to turn then Piett calls "Lord Raven".

We turn to Piett who stops I ask "What is it, Admiral" Standing straight Piett said "The Emperor commands you to make contact with him" Breathing I raise my head I said "Move the ship out of the asteroid field so that we can send a clear transmission" I walk pass him Elite 1 ask "Do you require us to be there" Turning to her I said "Continue the search" My Elites bow they said "Yes, master" I turn walking down the hallway.

I enter my meditation chamber and walk pass it and stop on a small circular platform it light up I kneel down bowing my head breathing raising my head I ask "What is thy bidding, my master" Appearing is Sidious who said "There is a great disturbance in the Force" Breathing I said "I have felt it" Staring at me Sidious said "We have a new and old enemy..."

I breathe staring at him "...the young rebel who destroyed the Death Star and an old Jedi" The hologram static "I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" Shock to hear this I ask "How is that possible" Sidious said "Search your feels, Lord Raven" I breathe staring "You will know it to be true" Sidious stares "He could destroy us".

But I said "He's just a boy" I breathe "Obi Wan can no longer help him" But Sidious said "But his father will help him" The hologram static "The Force is strong with him" Sidious stares "The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi" I said "If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally" Sidious said "Yes" I breathe "He would be a great asset"

Sidious stares as Vader breathes "Can it be done" I said "He will join us or die, master" I breathe staring at Sidious who begins to smile a bit he said "I sense your remaining Elites are strong in the Force" Bowing my head I said "I've trained them hard, my master" But what he said shock me Sidious said "I sense that one of them will be killed soon" I look at him "By Skywalker" I breathe staring at him before bowing my head.

3rd POV

Meanwhile at Degobah it is currently raining outside a small house R2 and R3 are both heading towards a large window they groan using their legs to look through the window looking around inside Anakin is calmly eating while Yoda is in the kitchen Luke bending down motioning the food Luke said "Look, I'm sure it's delicious".

He looks back to Yoda "I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now" Turning a bit Yoda said "Patience" He turns more "For the Jedi, it is time to eat as well" Yoda chuckles as Luke wave his hand lowering his spoon Anakin said "Our friend here is correct, Luke" Luke went over "A Jedi must be full before doing something" Yoda said "Hmm" Luke grabs a bowl "Heh heh".

Luke crawls over to the pot "Eat, eat" Luke picks up a spoon "Hot" He pours some of it inside the bowl and moves to sit next to Anakin who watch Luke take a bite "Good food" He made a face making Anakin chuckle before taking another bite "Mmm, good, hmm" Turning towards Yoda who keeps working Luke ask "How far away is Yoda" Yoda turns "Will it take us long to get there".

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