Betrayal, Carbonite

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3rd POV

Meanwhile on Degobah night arrived and Luke had his X-wing ready with Yoda watching Luke climbs on the ladder and flips a few switches Yoda calls "Luke, you must complete the training" Luke looks at the controls he said "I can't keep the vision out of my head" He shake his head "They're my friends" He begins to climb down "I got to help them".

But Yoda said "You must not go" Looking to Yoda once off the ladder Luke said "But Han and Leia will die if I don't" Suddenly a Voice call ""You don't know that" Luke look to see him appear in ghost form "Even Yoda cannot see their fate" Luke step forward he said "I can help them" Obi Wan stares at Luke "I feel the Force".

But Obi Wan said "But you cannot control it" Luke turn his head "This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the dark side of the Force" Anakin arrives hearing this "Yes, yes, to Obi Wan you listen" Luke stares at Yoda "The cave" He lower his hand "Remember your failure at the cave" But Luke said "But I've learned so much since then".

Luke went under his X-wing "Master Yoda, I promise to return and to finish what I've begun" Yoda frowns "You have my word" Obi Wan said "Luke, it is you and your abilities the emperor wants" Anakin looks to Obi Wan "That is why your friends are made to suffer" Luke looks to Obi Wan he said "That's why I have to go".

Suddenly Anakin said "Not alone you won't" Luke, Obi Wan and Yoda look to Anakin who step forward "I was meditating for a while and I saw a vision of myself facing those inquisitors in the city you saw I must go and encounter with them again" Luke went back to work and Obi Wan said "Luke, I don't want to lose you to the emperor the way Anakin and I lost Raven".

But looking back to him shaking his head Luke said "You won't" He turns and head for the ship as Anakin climbs into his cockpit Yoda said "Stopped they must be" He stares at them "On this all depends" Luke went to the engine "Only a fully trained Jedi knight, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Raven and his emperor".

Anakin looks to Obi Wan who stares at Yoda "If you end your training now..." Obi Wan gaze to Luke who went under his X-wing "...if you choose the quick and easy path, as Raven did, you will become an agent of evil" Luke put his supplies in Obi Wan said "Patience" Luke turns to them he ask "And sacrifice Han and Leia"?

Yoda said "If you honour what they fight for..." Anakin look to Yoda "...yes" Obi Wan said "If you choose to face Raven, you will do it alone without your father" Anakin lower his gaze "I cannot interfere" Nodding Luke said "I understand" He looks to Anakin who raise his gaze he said "So do I" Luke looks to Yoda then looks to up Luke said "R3" He starts to climb the ladder R3 beeps "Fire up the converters".

Anakin turns to R2 "Get the ship going, R2" R2 beeps heading as Luke went back to work and staring at them Obi Wan said "Luke, Anakin" They look to him "Don't give in to hate" Luke press a few buttons looking to Obi Wan "That leads to the dark side" Yoda said "Strong is Raven" Anakin gets the controls ready "Mind what you have learned" The hatch begins to close "Save you it can".

Luke said "I will" Looking to them Anakin said "He will return, masters" The ships begin to rise Luke said "I promise" Obi Wan and Yoda sighs he said "Told you I did" Obi Wan begins to disappear "Reckless is he" The light covers Yoda "Now..." He lower his head "...matters are worse" Obi Wan said "Luke and Anakin are our last hope" But Yoda said "No, there is another" He looks up watching them leave and head for Bespin.

Meanwhile the next day at Cloud City a Storm IV turns flying between two buildings before turning passing another one inside is Leia walking away from a window in new clothes, she turns back then the door opens Leia looks to see Han entering he said "The ship's almost finished" Leia stares "Two or three more things and we're in great shape".

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