Tatooine Battle, Desert, Droid sale

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3rd POV

Above the planet Tatooine a Blockade Runner is flying forward the gunner firing at a Stardestroyer that is firing back a shot hit the ship inside C-3PO, R2 and R3 are down a hallway C-3PO stumbles a bit and the alarm blaring he looks back to another protocol droid and moves forward while a group of Rebels is running down a hall making a turn as the alarm blaring.

C-3PO, R2 and R3 make a turn the ship shakes C-3PO ask "Did you both hear that" R2 and R3 both beeping "They shut down the main reactor" C-3PO turns "We'll be destroyed for sure" They move forward "This is madness" R2 whistles and R3 blip while more Rebels run pass them and are at the pressure door aiming their pistols at it.

Turning as more Rebels pass "We're doomed" C-3PO looks at R2 and R3 who both beep looking back to C-3PO who shake his head "There will be no escape for the princess this time" R3 beeps and whistles turning his head suddenly clanking is heard making C-3PO look up "What's that" At the door the Rebels look up to the clanking noise due to the Stardestroyer being above the ship.

C-3PO looks up to the noise standing next to R2 and R3 as the Rebels continue to look up at the noise then they look back to the door hearing a noise and aim their pistols at it and sparks appear at the door causing an explosion making the Rebels avoid the debris just as Stormtroopers enter firing at them a Rebel fires back killing a Stormtrooper.

A couple of Rebels got shot down and more Stormtroopers enter the ship behind them Elite 3 and 4 enter the ship Elite 3 said "Kill them" The Stormtroopers fire killing another and Elite 4 use the Force to chock a Rebel causing him to fall and the Rebels fall back as more get shot down Elite 4 said "Search every room" He leads Elite 3 and Stormtroopers forward while a Stormtrooper fires in a room going inside.

Meanwhile three Rebels run around the corner just as R3 stops with R2 behind him and C-3PO next to him Elite 3 arrives one of the Rebel fires only for Elite 3 to activate her lightsaber and deflect the shot killing the Rebel and the other two kept running R3 and R2 beep while C-3PO looks where the Rebels came to see Stormtroopers fire and Elite 3 deflect more shots just as Elite 4 arrives.

A Stormtrooper dies and C-3PO looks to his right to see more Rebels falling back as a couple died C-3PO, R2 and R3 all went across the hall avoiding getting hit entering another room as the Rebels fall back going around another corner while at the pressure door the door to the Stardestroyer opens and coming out is Darth Raven and his Elite 1 and 2.

Raven POV

I step into the ship breathing a Stormtrooper stands attention I walk forward passing him breathing I look down at the dead rebels for a moment Elite 2 said "Sounds like more Rebels are still fighting my lord" I raise my head and walk forward leading Elite 1, Elite 2 and more Stormtroopers into the ship.

3rd POV

Meanwhile R3 beeps looking then a hand puts a disk inside a slot with R2 standing next to him beeping just as C-3PO enters the area he ask "R2-D2, R3-D3, where are you two" He looks around the area while from the hall more Rebel run pass and C-3PO turn the R3 beeping is heard causing C-3PO to look in the direction.

In the distance is Princess Leia who turns before bending down at R2 who beeps C-3PO moves a bit then Leia turns and leaves as R2 and R3 both shuffle around and use their 3rd wheel to roll over to C-3PO "At last" He raise his hand "Where have you two been" R3 beeps and C-3PO motion the hall "They're heading in this direction" He looks back "What are we going to do"?

R2 beeps turning his head "We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what" R2 beeps turning his head back before he and R3 both went pas C-3PO confusing him "Wait a minute" He goes after them "Where are you two going" Leia takes off her hood watching them and moves away while the droids and Rebels surrender marching down a hall.

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