Training, Death Star, rescue

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Luke is training with his lightsaber with Anakin and Ben both watching as Chewie and R2 are playing Dejarik with R3 and C-3PO watching suddenly Anakin and Ben walk over to a couple of seats noticing this Luke deactivates his lightsaber concern Luke ask "Father are you and Ben alright" He walks over to them "What's wrong" Anakin shakes his head he said "Something has happened".

Looking to Luke breathing Ben said "We felt a great disturbance in the Force as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and suddenly silenced" Shaking his head Anakin said "We fear something terrible has happened" Luke stares at them and Ben said "You'd better get on with your exercises".

Ben looks down placing a hand on his forehead and Luke puts a hand on Anakin who said "It's alright Luke, continue your training" Luke walks back to where he was training just as Han enters the room Han said "Well, you can forget your troubles with those imperial slugs" Luke activates his lightsaber "I told you I'd outrun them" He sits down next to Anakin.

Luke stares at the drone that moves before firing a couple lasers that Luke deflects each one Han staring "Don't everybody thank me at once" He glance as Chewie growls looking at the game "Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about 0200 hours" C-3PO watch R2 press a button for an alien to move R2 leans back and R3 beeps turning his head.

Looking down Chewie press a button for a creature holding a mallet jumps a few spaces it grunts into position turning C-3PO said "Now be careful, R2" R2 leans in and press a button for a bigger alien to walk to the mallet alien it grabs the alien making it die dropping the mallet R3 whistles and mad Chewie growls said "Argh".

R3, R2 and C-3PO look to him C-3PO said "He made a fair move" Chewie grunts and C-3PO raise his finger "Screaming about it can't help you" Chewie tilt his head he grunts, and Han said "Let him have it" He was watching the game shaking his head "It's not wise to upset a Wookiee" But C-3PO said "But, sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid".

Leaning in Han said "That's 'cause a droid don't pull peoples arms out of their sockets when they lose" C-3PO turns to Chewie "Wookiees are known to do that" Chewie put his arms behind his head he grunts said "Grrr..." Turning back C-3PO said "I see your point, sir" He looks to R2 and leans in "I suggest a new strategy, R2" R2 turns to C-3PO "Let the Wookiee win" R3 raspberry at C-3PO.

Leaning forward Chewie grunts said "Argh" Luke watch the drone moves and deflects a laser as Anakin and Ben watch him carefully Luke moves his lightsaber watching the drone moves to the side spinning then went up and move again making Luke watch while Ben said "Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him" He wave his hand.

Staring at the drone Luke ask "You mean it controls your actions" Ben and Anakin look to one another and back Anakin said "Partially" He moves a bit "But it also obeys your commands" The drone moves, and it fires hitting Luke's hip making it grip it groaning Luke said "Oh" Han laughs at this he said "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side, kid".

Luke deactivates his lightsaber looking to Han he ask "You don't believe in the Force, do you" Turning his head Han said "Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other" He shake his head looking back "I've seen a lot of stranger stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything".

Ben and Anakin both listen to this "There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny" They chuckle hearing that "It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense" Anakin said "I think you should try it again, Luke" Ben gets up grabs a helmet and walks over to Luke "This time, let go your conscious self..." Ben place it on his head "...and act on instinct".

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