Inquisitors, Jyn Erso, Escape, Rebels

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3rd POV

Inside a dark building a large group of Inquisitors are training against each other or against training droids suddenly all droid stop causing the Inquisitors to look at one another a Male Inquisitor ask "What's going on with the droids" A Female Inquisitor knocks a droid that moves but it went back to where it was Female Inquisitor ask "They might have a malfunction"?

All the training droids started to shake causing the group to raise their lightsabers and the wall begin to shake too catching the groups attention and suddenly a bright light appears causing the group to cover their eyes or look away as the light disappears the group all look to see a five year old girl blue Twi'lek lying on her front.

Slowly the girl opens her eyes and sits up and gasp to see the Inquisitors staring at her the girl looks around scared she ask "Who are you" The Male Inquisitor said "That's what we're about to ask" He aim his lightsaber at her "Who are you and how did you get here" Seeing the lightsaber close the girl is scared suddenly the Inquisitor was sent back passing a couple of Inquisitors that moved out of the way.

The Inquisitor hits the wall making all the all Inquisitors look to him shock 2nd Female Inquisitor said "That was the Force" The Inquisitor get up angry he looks at the girl who shakes the Inquisitor said "You little brat" He charge at her, but the girl runs to the door making it open and she runs out with the Inquisitor right behind her and the other Inquisitors chase after the two.

Meanwhile a shuttle is seen heading towards the building inside darkness is seen and mechanical breathing is heard while the girl runs dodging another slash from the Inquisitor who yells "Stand still" The other Inquisitors rush after them the girl makes a turn going through a door to see a path leading to another door, but the Inquisitor Force jumps over the girl and lands in front of her.

Gasping the girl slides to a stop she turns but saw the rest walking out of the door the girl turns back, and the Inquisitor raise his lightsaber "Time to die" The girl screams using the Force to send all the Inquisitors on their backs shocking them and the girl looks shock the Inquisitor stands and growls he raise his lightsaber again to kill.

Suddenly a noise got his and the rest of the Inquisitors attention the door behind the Inquisitor who turns begins to open the Inquisitor, the girl and the rest of the Inquisitors all look to see a shadow covering them and breathing is heard a dark figure is seen standing there and begins to walk forward the girl watch all the Inquisitor kneel she looks to see walking out of the smoke is Darth Raven.

Raven POV

Walking up the steps to see all my apprentices kneeling and a blue Twi'lek girl looking confuse I ask "What is going on here" The Inquisitor in front me bow his head he said "Master this girl has intrude into this place" I breath looking at the girl who looked scared I look to the others walking pass the Inquisitor I ask "This girl somehow manage to get into this building by herself"?

Female Inquisitor bow her head she said "A light appeared when we were training" I look at her "It disappear, and the girl was just lying on the floor when she waked up she use the Force and sent the Inquisitor back" I look at the girl who stare I breath staring at her I walk up to her I said "I sense you are strong with the Force young one" I kneel in front of her "What is your name" I breath and the Girl said "Alina".

Taking a good look at Alina, she reminds me of a Twi'lek I stood up I said "All of you return to training room" All Inquisitors bow said "Yes, master" They leave I stop the 1st Inquisitor I said "Once they all in the room they are all begin Force training" 1st Inquisitors and leaves leaving Alina and me alone looking at her "Come, child".

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