Battle of Endor part 1

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3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Rebel Alliance an Belbullab-22 starfighter is flying pass a Federation Starship with Rebels and Vultures ships along with the Millennium Falcon behind they went under a separatist cruiser that the hangers open for more Vultures to come out Fulcrum and the Falcon went pass a Rebel Cruiser and a few Blockade Runners towards the front.

Inside the Falcon is Lando, two Rebels and a Sullastan name Nien Numb who's sitting next to Lando who said "Admiral, we're position" Fulcrum flipping a switch he said "All Rebels and Vultures accounted for" Looking forward Ackbar said "Proceed with the countdown" His chair turns while Fulcrum, Lando, the Vultures and Rebels fly forward "All groups assume attack coordinates".

Nien speaks Sullestanese looking to Lando who said "Don't worry" He wave his hand "My friend's down there" Nien looks to him "They'll have that shield down on time" Nien speaks Sullestanese looking down Lando looks forward "Or this will be the shortest offensive of all time" Pressing a few buttons Fulcrum said "Once we reach there prepare yourselves".

Ackbar move his chair forward to the window Ackbar said "All craft, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark" Nodding Fulcrum said "All right, standby" He press a button then went into hyperspace with Lando, the Vultures and Rebels ships right behind him as Ackbar watch going into hyperspace while 200 Federation Starships and 2,000 separatist cruisers and the Rebel Alliance cruisers and ships all went into hyperspace to Endor.

Meanwhile looking at the bunker an Ewok turns and whistles making Han, Leia, Chewie, R2, R3, C-3PO and the strike team to move over towards the Ewok who speaks Ewokese motioning towards the bunker looking at it Han said "Back door, huh" He nods "Good idea" The Ewok nods and he speaks Ewokese to Wicket who tilt his head before nodding and the Ewok walks away.

Moving forward near a bush Han looks back "It's only a few guards" Wicket went to C-3PO and tap his arm "This shouldn't be too much trouble" C-3PO looks down to Wicket who speaks Ewokese and C-3PO speaks Ewokese moving his body a bit while looking at the bunker Leia said "It only takes one to sound the alarm".

Looking back Han said "Then we'll do it real quiet like" He looks forward and C-3PO said "Oh, my" He raise his head and look to Leia "Princess Leia" Leia cover his mouth and lets go and C-3PO raise his arm in a motion "I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash" Looking Chewie growls said "Rrrrooohh" Kneeling down Leia said "Oh, no".

In the distance the Ewok is heading towards the speeders sighing Han said "There goes our surprise attack" The Ewok climbs onto a speeder starting it up noticing a Scout said "Look, over there" The four Scouts run "Stop him" But the Ewok got the speeder moving three Scouts got on their speeders and chase after him leaving one Scout behind.

Looking back impress Han said "Not bad for a little furball" He gets up "There's only one left" He points at C-3PO "You stay here" Han motion him, Leia, and Chewie "We'll take care of this" C-3PO walks over to R2, R3 and Wicket he turns placing his hands on their heads C-3PO said "I have decided that we shall stay here".

Meanwhile with the Ewok still on the speeder going forward it said "Whoo-whoo" The Ewok holds onto the handles "Yahoo" It sways up and down as the three Scouts chase after him the Ewok manages to sit on the speeder "Whoo whoo" He tries to keep balance waving his arm while the Scouts are behind him.

The 1st Scout fires hitting the speeder causing it to spin "Wa ha ha ha ha" Going pass a few trees with the Scouts after the Ewok who manages to get the speeder under control going forward as the Scouts fire again the Ewok looks up and grabs a vine swinging up "Wa ha ha ha" The Scouts continue to follow the abandon speeder.

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