Battle of Scarif

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3rd POV

Meanwhile more Stormtroopers are running as the Rebel name Tonc turns said "Troopers" Bodhi turns and Tonc went to the ladder "Troopers" Tonc looks at the Rebels "Troopers on the left" A Rebel said "Get in" He motion the others "Get in" They move inside and take cover just as a large group of Stormtroopers run pass.

The Rebels aim at them from their spots as Baze, Chirrut, and Rebels all wait behind the crates then the doors open for the alarm blaring and Stormtroopers to move and Baze stands up fire his cannon at the Stormtroopers killing a few Rebels all fire at the Stormtroopers that are coming out Chirrut stands aims his bow and fire killing a Stormtrooper as Rebels fire at the Stormtroopers shooting them down.

Meanwhile at the Death Star a few Tie fighters head towards it while inside Tarkin is looking at the screen then an officer name Romodi walks towards him he said "Sir, it's Scarif base" Tarkin turns his head "They're reporting a Rebel incursion" Tarkin looks back to the screen he said "I want to speak with Director Krennic" Romodi said "He's there, sir" Tarkin turn to him "On Scarif".

Tarkin ask "The original plans for this station are kept there, are they not" Romodi nods said "They are" Tarkin turn his head he said "Prepare for the jump to hyperspace and inform Lord Raven" Romodi nods and leaves to do that while the door opens K-2SO, Jyn and Cassian all walk forward they enter an area heading for an Officer who notice them he ask "Can I help you" K-2SO said "That won't be necessary" He raise his arm and hit the officer who groans knocking him out collapse on the floor.

Meanwhile on Yavin 4 inside the command centre Basteren puts his hand to his ear listening he looks around before taking his headset off and runs through the Rebels he Basteren yells "Senator" Mothma, Davits and Marrick all turn to see Basteren "Senator" Marrick stops him he said "Stop right there, Private" Basteren moves back and Mothma said "Let him speak".

Basteren turns said "Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma'am" Mothma stares at him "Rebels on Scarif" Mothma confuse she said "I need to speak with Admiral Raddus" But Basteren said "He's returned to his ship" Marrick listens "He's going to fight" He turn his head to Mothma who stares.

Meanwhile the Rebels continue to fire at the Stormtroopers moving and yelling taking cover then fire at them Baze fire his cannon kilingl a few Stormtroopers Chirrut leans a few times dodging each shot as more Stormtroopers come out one fires killing a Rebel noticing Melshi said "No" He kneels down to him and the Stormtroopers fire back Melshi fires killing a Stormtrooper and a Rebel fires at them before taking cover as the Stormtroopers nearby got shot down.

Meanwhile Rebel pilots are running an Announcer said "Attention, all flight personnel, please report to your commanders, immediately" Pilots move to X-wing ships or Y-wing ships "All flight personnel, please report to you commanders immediately" Engineers went under a X-wing connecting a pipe to it Announcer said "We have been redirected to Scarif".

A pilot climbs into his X-wing as more pilots run to their ships "Pilots, you'll be briefed by your squadron leaders en route" A Rebel holds his finger up waving a light "May the Force be with you" Watching this is C-3PO, R2 and R3 together C-3PO ask "Scarif" He looks to R2 and R3 "They're going to Scarif" He turns around watching ships leaving "Why does nobody ever tell me anything, R2, R3" R2 and R3 both beeping.

Meanwhile an explosion happens making a palm tree fall a Rebel calls "Move, move, move" Two Rebels run avoiding an explosion for another palm tree to fall as more Clones and Rebels shout firing at the Stormtroopers who fire back Melshi yells "Forward" A Rebel fires hitting a Stormtrooper "Forward".

Melshi fires as Chirrut aim his bow "Keep drawing them out" He fires before ducking and Baze stands firing his cannon a Rebel fires a rocket hitting a group of Stormtroopers making them groan and more Rebels fire Officer said "Pad 12, report to ground" Bodhi listening "Coming in our flank" He moves his head "We need numbers".

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