Utapau Battle, Palpatine reveals himself, Obi Wan and Anakin vs Grievous

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3rd POV

In the hanger R4 and R2 are both showing a hologram of the planet Obi Wan, Anakin, Cody and a few Clones gather around a Cody said "Fortunately, most cities are concentrated on this small continent here" He looks to Obi Wan "On the far side" Anakin smirks said "We'll keep them distracted until you get there" Obi Wan turns a bit he said "Just don't take too long".

Cody walks said "Come on" R4 and R3 turn the hologram off "When have I ever let you down" Obi Wans stops he chuckles said "Very well" He and Anakin walks on their Jedi fighters "The burden is on us not to destroy all the droids until you arrive" The hatch opens Anakin said "See you there, boys" The hanger opens Obi Wan and Anakin both fly out of the cruiser opening their flaps, they head for two hyperdrive ring that attaches to it as it got release for Obi Wan and Anakin to go into Hyperdrive.

Axel POV

I arrive at Padme apartment I enter to see her I said "Senator" Padme turns to see me she smiles "You wanted to see me" Padme said "Yes come over" I walk over to Padme who sits down "Please" I sit down "Take your helmet off" I grab it and took it off I ask "I was told you wanted to see me" I look at Padme who said "My husband and I are very happy and wanted to tell you something".

Padme is married I ask "You're married" Padme just said "In secret" I nod in understanding staring at her "I'm pregnant" She puts a hand on her stomach I said "That's good news" I straighten up "Have you told anyone else" Padme shakes her head she said "We wanted to keep it secret and..." She looks to me "...my husband thought that you would be the godfather of our child".

Shock at this I open my mouth a bit I said "I would be honour to be the godfather, Senator" Padme smiles she ask "How is Anakin, by the way" I said "The General is on a mission with Obi Wan to Utapau to find Grievous" Padme said "That's good news".

3rd POV

Meanwhile Obi Wan and Anakin both came out of hyperspace they detach from the rings and flies towards Upatau opening their wings they fly over the surface and down a hole they close their flaps and land on a platform their hatches open while watching from a distance is a Manga Guard stomping its staff and two droids with it.

Anakin and Obi Wan get out of their fighters and walks over to the leader of Upatau they bows, and the Leader said "Greetings, young Jedi's" Obi Wan and Anakin raise their heads "What brings you to our remote sanctuary" Obi Wan said "Unfortunately, the war" The Leader said "There's no war here-" He stop for a second "-unless you brought it with you".

Obi Wan said "With your kind permission, we should like some fuel..." He looks pass "...and to use your city as a base as I search nearby systems for General Grievous" Anakin turns he ask "If that is not a problem, is it" The Leader turns raise his arm speaks in his language a few engineers nod and grab a couple of pump runs over to Obi Wan's and Anakin's fighters.

Meanwhile the Leader step up to them he said "He is here" Obi Wan and Anakin listens "We are being held hostage" Obi wan glance around "They are watching us" Anakin nods and Obi Wan said "We understand" The Leader said "Tenth level, thousands of battle droids" Obi Wan nods said "Tell your people to take shelter".

Obi Wan moves a bit "If you have warriors, now is the time" The Leader nods slightly he Anakin and Obi Wan all bow at the same time Anakin and Obi Wan turn to their fighters climbing in while the Magna Guard walks back Anakin ask "What's the plan, master" Obi Wan looks at R4 "Take the fighter back to the ship" R4 turns a bit "Tell Cody I've made contact" R4 beeping Anakin turns he said "R2 you go with him".

R2 beeping as an Advisor ask "Are they bringing additional warriors" The Leader said "They didn't say" They walk away while the Magna Guard turns leaving just as Obi Wan's and Anakin fighters leaves the platform but watching in the shadows is Obi Wan and Anakin who both wear their cloaks watch and leaves to find Grievous.

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