Confrontation, Axel vs Anakin and Obi Wan, Yoda vs Sidious

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3rd POV

Anakin, Obi wan and Aayla got a transport head to Padme apartment they stop outside and climb out Obi Wan, Aayla and Anakin walk to Padme who is happy to see us she hugs Anakin who hugs back they let go Padme said "I'm so happy to see you all okay" Anakin smiles said "So are we but we have to ask you something".

Obi Wan ask "When was the last time you saw Axel" Padme walks pass she said "I didn't really saw him" Aayla ask "But you contacted him did you" Padme walk down the stairs she said "Axel gave 3PO a holodisk and showed me him" Walking down Anakin said "Padme, we need your help" Walking up to her Obi Wan said "He is in grave danger" Padme turn ask "From the Sith" They stare at her Obi Wan said "From himself" He puts his arm out "Padme, Axel has turned to the dark side".

But Padme ask "What" She looks to Aayla and Anakin who said "Padme we need to know where Axel went" Obi Wan walks by Aayla said "We have seen a security recordings" Taking a breath Anakin said "Of him killing younglings" But Padme said "But Axel his loyal to the Republic" She turns to Obi Wan "He couldn't" Turning Obi Wan said "He was deceived by a lie" Anakin said "We all were".

Padme stares at Obi Wan who said "It appears that the chancellor is behind everything, including the war" Aayla and Anakin walk up to them Obi Wan walks to Padme "Palpatine is the Sith lord we've been looking for" Anakin raise my head said "After the death of Count Dooku, Axel became his new apprentice".

Aayla takes a breath she said "Which lead to the death of the Jedi at the temple" Padme turns around walks away she said "I don't believe this" She sits down breathing Obi Wan sits down next to her while Aayla and Anakin walk over to them Aayla sits on her other side Anakin kneels in front of her Obi Wan said "Padme, we must find him".

Padme looks at Obi Wan then to Aayla and finally Anakin noticing their looks she ask "You're all going to kill him, aren't you" They didn't say anything Obi Wan said "He has become a very great threat" Padme shake her head turning she said "He went to the Mustafar system" She looks down Obi Wan and Aayla both stood up we walk away but Obi Wan stop he turns ask "Anakin you are the father, aren't you"?

Anakin nods and Aayla realise he turns ask "Can I have a minute with Padme" Obi Wan nods and Aayla walks with him Anakin sits next to Padme who looks to him Anakin said "Padme" Padme ask "Are you really going to kill him" Anakin stares "We agreed that Axel would be the godfather of our child" Anakin said "I'll try and not to" He gets up and walks to where Obi Wan and Aayla are leaving Padme alone.

Axel POV

My Magna Guards are inside the control room, and I stood by a railing staring out the land of Mufasa looking around slowly I look at the lava rivers and volcanoes suddenly I harden my gaze and turn my head to the right.

3rd POV

Meanwhile a shuttle is seen Obi Wan and Aayla enter it and Anakin is about to enter a Voice calls "Anakin" He stops turning around to see Padme, C-3PO and R2 running to him Anakin ask "What are you doing here" Stopping Padme said "I want to come with you" Shaking his head Anakin said "It's too dangerous" Holding his hand Padme said "Please Ani".

They stare at one another Anakin said "Okay but stay on the ship" Padme nods they enter with C-3PO and R2 behind them leaves the platform turns around and flies away.

Meanwhile at the senate Sidious is sitting with Mas standing next to him then Axel appears he said "The separatists have been taken care of, my master" Sidious said "It is finished then" He stares at Axel "You have restored peace and justice to the galaxy".

Axel POV

I stood in the room of the dead leaders staring at Palpatine "Send a message to the ships of the trade Federation" The hologram statically "All droid units must shut down immediately" I said "Very good, Master" The hologram disappears a Magna Guard said "Sir" I look to it "There is a shuttle incoming".

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