Aftermath, The Galactic Empire, Learning the truth

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Obi Wan and Anakin both alive are swimming under the water they resurface by a rocky wall taking their breathers out of their mouths and start to climb grunting as a drone is searching the area while on Kashyyk is nighttime four clones on AT-RT walking forward they stop to see a couple of dead Wookiees the Clone said "All these Wookiees are dead" He looks to the other "Move to the east" 2nd Clone said "Yes, sir" Two Clones went east.

On a hill Tarfful murmurs moves some bushes to reveal a ship he walks to Chewbacca who stands Yoda turns said "Goodbye, Tarfful" Tarfful grunts "Goodbye, Chewbacca" Chewbacca roars Yoda nods "Miss you I will" The ship opens Yoda turns and walks to it climbing in Chewbacca and Tarfful watch the ship close they murmur looking back to see the ship leaving they roar watching.

Meanwhile at the senate a Blockade Runner is leaving the senate inside is Senator Organa with a few of his people Organa said "Hopefully we'll be able to intercept a few Jedi before they can walk into this catastrophe" They make a turn heading to the bridge while on Utapau the battle has ended Cody stops by some troopers Cody ask "Did you find Kenobi or Skywalker"?

A Clone said "Sir, no one could have survived that fall" Unknown to them Obi Wan and Anakin are hiding behind a wall listening Cody said "Start loading your men on the ships" Obi Wan glance out "Move it" He said "Come on Anakin" Anakin said "Yes, master" They use this chance to manoeuvre through their way until he reach Grievous ship.

Waiting next to it is R2 with Anakin's ship he beeps seeing them Anakin climbs in as Obi Wan climbs into grievous ship the hatches close Obi Wan activates the controls Anakin press a few buttons "R2 start the ship quickly" R2 beeps doing that and both ships leaves the platform and heading out of range.

Obi wan press a few buttons he said "Emergency code 913" He looks forward "I have no contact on any frequency" Anakin press a few buttons he said "Emergency code 913" They leave the planet then Organa appears distorted he said "Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker" Obi Wan said "Repeat" Anakin said "R2 boost up the signal".

R2 does that then Organa said "Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker" He fully appears Obi Wan said "Senator Organa" He stares "Our clone troops turned on us" Organa nods Anakin said "We need help".

Organa said "We have just rescued Master Yoda" He raise his head "It appears this ambush has happened everywhere" He nods his head "We're sending you our coordinates" The hologram disappears Anakin looks to Obi Wan he ask "Why is this happening" Obi Wan said "I do not know, Anakin".

Yoda is sitting in a room then Organa came in he said "Master Kenobi and Skywalker are alive" Yoda opens his eyes "We've also learn that Master Secura is alive as well we've sent them the coordinates" Yoda who hums thinking, a moment later the door opens to reveal Aayla look to us she said "Master Yoda" Yoda said "Master Secura, glad you're alive I am" Aayla frowns said "I wish it was the same for Chief he sacrifice himself to save me".


Chief finishes off the clones and knock Bly out he turns to Aayla who ask "What's going on" Chief said "We've been betrayed" He put his blasters away "Come on, General" Aayla and Chief run to the door it opens Chief looks out to see nothing he and Aayla runs down a hall Aayla said "We must reach a ship" Chief said "I know one that can get us out of here".

They stop at a corner Chief glance to see no one he looks to Aayla and nod they run down the hall while Bly wakes up groaning, he looks see that Aayla and Chief are gone he raise his commlink Bly said "All troopers alert the Jedi and Chief are escaping" He gets up and runs out of the room as an alarm blares.

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