Han Solo returns, Luke arrives, Rancor

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3rd POV

Nighttime arrived at Jabba's Palace in the audience chamber everyone is asleep but however walking slowly wide awake is Boushh he looks around but accidently hits the chimes causing them to clink and Boushh turns stopping them before walking down the stairs passing everyone stop once to look in the direction before stopping to see the slab of Han Solo there.

Boushh walks forward towards it slowly staring and moves to the right side and stands by a corner of the wall looking he turns and press a button to lower the slab and it leans against the wall making a thud Boushh looks before heading for the slab turns the dial then reaches up and turns another one making the light blink rapidly moving back Boushh watch the slab.

The area where Han is glows red Boushh looks around before turning back then small areas of carbonite on Han's begins to disappear revealing Han's face his mouth moves a bit the carbonite on his hands disappears for them to move Boushh watch the rest of the carbonite disappears and Han slowly slumps forward and lands on the floor.

Boushh kneels down and put his hands on Han's side looking before helping him sit up Han's hands shake a bit confuse before moving a bit Boushh said "Just relax for a moment" Han blinks a bit "You're free of the carbonite" Han raise his hand "Shh" He feels his face "You have hibernation sickness" Han lower his hand staring forward.

Han said "I can't see" He lower his hand more and Boushh said "Your eyesight will return in time" Han shakes a bit he ask "Where am I" Boushh said "Jabba's palace" Han raise a hand to feel Boushh helmet Han ask "Who are you" Using both hands Boushh takes off his helmet to reveal to be Leia Organa she puts the helmet down Leia said "Someone who loves you".

Recognising her voice Han said "Leia" Leia kiss Han slowly before letting go Leia said "I got to get you out of here" She helps Han up standing suddenly Jabba laughs said "Ho ho ho ho ho" Catching both Han and Leia's attention Han ask "What's that" He listens carefully "I know that laugh" behind them the curtain open Jabba speaking Huttese, Bib, a Gamorrean covering C-3PO's mouth, Salacious and Max.

Turning Han raise his hand he said "Hey, Jabba..." Leia ducks under his arm turning Han to face Jabba as the curtains behind them open "Look, Jabbba, I was just on my way to pay you back, and I got a little sidetracked" Han raise his hand "It's not my fault" But Jabba said "It's too late for that, Solo" Han move his hands "You may have been a good smuggler..."

Leia holds Han glancing over to Jabba "...but now you're Bantha fodder" He laughs and Salacious sat next to Oola starts laughs he said "Ah ha ha ha" Max laughs said "Ha ha ha" Droopy laughs said "Ha ha ha" Han said "Look-" He raise his hand, but Jabba raise his arm he said "Take him away" Han said "Jabba, I'll pay you triple" A Gamorrean grabs Han away.

Fixer hold his other arm "You're throwing away a fortune" They drag him away "Don't be a fool" Leia watch them go but Lando stops her looking then Jabba speaks Huttese catching Leia's attention Jabba said "Bring her to me" Lando and a Gamorrean brings Leia up to Jabba while Leia said "We have powerful friends" The Gamorrean holds Leia close "You're going to regret this".

But Jabba said "I'm sure" Leia stares at him then looks away when Jabba slurps his lip with his tongue Leia said "Ugh" C-3PO said "Oh, I can't bear to watch" He turns away as Solocious said "Oh", He turns "Ah ha ha ha" Laughing forward while Han is thrown into a cell.

He stumbles holding onto a pillar as the door closes Han feels around but a noise said "Arrrrg" Catching Han's attention he looks around he ask "Chewie" Sitting up Chewie looks to see Han he growls said "Arrrr" Han ask "Chewie, is that you" Chewie gets up walking to Han he growls said "Rarr" He hugs Han who said "Ch-Chewie".

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