Han Solo, Escape Tatooine, Alderaan destruction

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3rd POV

Meanwhile outside the canteen C-3PO looks towards a pair to Stormtroopers that are talking to a person C-3PO went over to R2 and R3 he leans said "I don't like the look of this" R3 shake his head beeping and R2 looking blips as another Stormtrooper climbs off his Dewback that bellows.

Inside the canteen the band plays another music swaying to it while at a table a Brown hair man sits down next to Chewbacca he said "Han Solo" He leans a bit "I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon" He nods to Chewbacca "Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system" Luke looks to Ben who said "Yes, indeed, if it's a fast ship".

Han ask "Fast ship" Chewie looks to him and back "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon" Looking at them shaking his head Anakin ask "Should we have" Luke stares as Han said "It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs", Anakin, Ben and Luke stare at Han who motion himself "I've outrun imperial starships".

He glance to Luke "Not the local bulk cruisers, mind you" He glance towards Ben and Anakin "I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now" Luke stares at him and Han turn his gaze "She's fast enough for you two, old men" Han move his hand "What's the cargo" Anakin said "Only passengers" Ben said "Myself, my friend, his son, two droids..." Luke looks to Han.

Ben leans in "...and no questions asked" Chuckling Han ask "What is it, some kind of local trouble" Anakin said "Let's just say we'd like to avoid any imperial entanglements" Leaning back and Chewie looks to Han who ask "Well, that's the real trick, isn't it" Chewie looks back "And it's gonna cost you something extra" Anakin and Ben stare at Han "Ten thousand, all in advance".

Shock at this Luke ask "Ten thousand" He leans in making Anakin and Ben look to him "We could almost buy our own ship for that" They look back to Han who ask "But who's gonna fly it, kid" He leans in "You" Leaning in Luke said "You bet I could" Anakin smiles to Luke "I'm not such a bad pilot, myself" Luke looks to Anakin and Ben "We don't have to sit here and listen..."

But Anakin stops Luke placing a hand on his shoulder Anakin said "Sit down, son" Luke sits back down looking to Han who stares Ben said "We can pay you 2,000 now, plus 15 when we reach Alderaan" That made Anakin raise a brow to Ben as Luke and Han look to him Han ask "Seventeen" Ben nods and Han smiles "Okay, you guys got yourselves a ship".

Ben leans back a bit "We'll leave as soon as you're ready" Anakin smiles at this "Docking Bay 94" Anakin said "Ninety-four" Turning his head Han spots something he said "Looks like somebody's beginning to take an interest in your handiwork" Luke looks to the counter saw a couple of Stormtroopers talking to the Bartender who turns point in their direction.

Anakin, Luke and Ben look to one another as a Stormtrooper said "All right", They glance around "We'll check it out" The two Stormtroopers walk pass the customers they reach Han and Chewie's table to see Anakin, Ben and Luke are not there and the Stormtroopers continue walking Chewie grunts Han said "Seventeen thousand".

Han smiles looking to Chewie "Those guys must be desperate" Han points to himself "This could really save my neck" He gets up "Get back to the ship, get it ready" Chewie grunts getting up and walks away with Han behind him while Ben holding his hood, Anakin holding his hood and Luke all walking away Anakin said "You'll have to sell your speeder, Luke".

Luke said "That's okay" He looks to Anakin and Ben "I'm sure you don't want to come back to this planet again, right father" Sighing Anakin said "You're right about that, son" They went over to the speeder passing C-3PO, R2 and R3 while Han was about to leave then Greedo the Rodian stops him with his blaster Greedo ask "Going somewhere, Solo"?

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