Luke Skywalker, Message, Sandpeople

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3rd POV

C-3PO is now being lowered down into a oil bath C-3PO said "Thank the maker" He turn his head a bit "This oil bath is going to feel so good" Luke is sitting down waving a Imperial Shuttle model "I've got such a bade case of dust contamination, I can barely move" Luke puts the model down he said "It's just isn't fair" He stands up "Biggs is right" He walks to a counter "I'm never gonna get out of here".

Luke looks around the counter as C-3PO ask "Is there anything I might do to help" Luke walks over to R2 and R3 he said "No, not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock" He kneels down between them and begins to clean R3 as C-3PO in the bath turns he said "I don't think so, sir".

He stares at him "I'm only a droid and not very knowledgeable about such things" He turns as Luke went pass and grabs a tool "Not on this planet, anyway" Luke walks over to R2 and kneels down "As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure which planet I'm on" Luke use the tool on R2 who turns Luke said "Well, if there's a bright centre to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from".

C-3PO said "I see, sir" Luke said "You can call me Luke" He stands up and walks to a hole and C-3PO said "I see, Sir Luke" Chuckling Luke said "Just Luke" He grabs a tool walking back as C-3PO is rising up from the oil bath C-3PO said "And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations" The lift stops C-3PO motion R2 and R3 "And these are my counterparts, R2-D2 and R3-D3".

R3 beeps and blips after Luke finish the tool on him before going to R2 doing the same thing Luke said "Hello" R2 beep and blip as Luke continues back to work "You two got a lot of carbon scoring here" He examines it "Looks like you boys have seen a lot of action" Leaning up C-3PO said "Will all we've been through, sometimes I'm amazed we're in as good condition as we are..."

Luke blows at the area and continues working "...what with the rebellion and all" That caught Luke's attention he turns standing up looking at C-3PO surprise Luke ask "You know of the rebellion against the Empire" C-3PO said "That's how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning, sir" R2 and R3 look to one another whistling Luke ask "Have you been in many battles"?

C-3PO said "Several, I think" He turns raising his arm "Actually, there's not much to tell" Luke turns and went back to R2 "I'm not much more than an interpreter and not very good at telling stories" C-3PO walks a bit "Well, not at making them interesting, anyway" Luke struggles to pull out a piece of metal out of R2 he said "Well, my little friend, you got something jammed in here real good".

He moves the piece a bit "Were you on a Starcruiser or..." Luke manages to get the piece out and stumble on the floor and R2 activates his hologram to reveal Leia who said "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" Catching Luke's attention "You're both my only hope" Leia turns and bends down before it went to the start Luke ask "What's this"?

R2 beep and blip making C-3PO look at him he ask "'What is what'" He motion Luke "He ask you a question" He motion the hologram "What is that" Luke looks at Leia who said "Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" She opens her hands "You're both my only hope" She turns before bending down.

The hologram goes back and starts "Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" She opens her hands "You're both my only hope" Leia turns before bending down as R3 beeps and blips C-3PO said "R3 says it's nothing, sir, merely a malfunction" C-3PO spread his arms a bit "Old data" Luke sits up "Pay it no mind" He ask "Who is she"?

Luke stares at Leia "She's beautiful" Leia bends down before the hologram went back to the start C-3PO said "I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir" C-3PO turns a bit "I think she was a passenger on our last voyage" He move his arms "A person of some importance, I believe" Staring at the hologram "Our captain was..." But Luke ask "Is there more to this recording" He points at it.

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