Anakin's Funeral, Celebration

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3rd POV

A few hours later Luke, Alina and Aayla all walk forward with torches in their hands walking to Anakin who is on a pile of wood and on his chest is half of Raven's mask Luke, Alina and Aayla put their torches on and light it up Luke, Alina and Aayla all stare at Anakin and Axel's mask while above the funeral and forest fireworks happen and fighters fly pass releasing more fireworks.

Meanwhile on Bespin fireworks are displayed all the citizens are all celebrating a Storm VI flies pass then another going up while on Tatooine everyone is celebrating a shuttle flies pass while on Naboo the Gungans and Citizens all cheer a Gungan yells "Wesa free".

Meanwhile on Coruscant all citizens are celebrating in all streets and buildings with the Senate seen a transport flies by and a firework explodes causing the statue of Sidious to fall and in the distance the Jedi Temple fully repaired, and more fireworks are on displayed.

Meanwhile on Endor more fireworks are happening ships fly pass launching more on the surface Ewoks are celebrating dancing around the fires in groups and singing in Ewokese with Rebels joining in at the houses more Ewoks are celebrating with and Rebels an Ewok drumming and another using the helmets of a Scout, two Soldiers and two Stormtroopers.

A white Ewok does a cartwheel Lando and Han hug each other laughing, C-3PO dancing with an Ewok looks to R2 and R3 who both beep and whistles with Wicket dancing, Chewie growls and hugs Lando as two Ewoks are dancing together while Luke and Aayla walk over to them smiling Leia hugs Luke then pull Aayla into one surprising her but hugs back.

Lando talks to Chewie about the battle, Luke went to Han and hug him, and Han pat his shoulder as C-3PO turns around dancing, Wicket dancing with R2 and R3 Luke shakes Wedge and gives him a hug while Han and Leia, both hug each other Nien patting a Rebel and his shoulders, an Ewok jumps.

Chewie and Wedge both hug each other as more Ewoks dance to the music, Wicket hugs both R2 and R3 while Aayla and Luke both turn and they smile to see watching is Yoda and Obi Wan then suddenly Anakin appears instead of being old he was back to you youthful self, he looks at them smiling.

Leia walks to the duo Aayla and Luke both notice and smile as Anakin, Yoda and Obi Wan all stare smiling while Aayla, and Luke both walk from their spots and join the party, Lando clapping, Han and Chewie sitting, Leia, Luke, and Aayla all standing with C-3PO as R2 and R3 both in front of the group looking forward shaking excitedly.

Watching from the distance is Alina who smiles at them she turns and leans against the rail frowning then a hand place on her shoulder she looks, and her eyes widen to see Axel standing there in his clone armour smiling she blinks, and he was gone turning her head Aayla walks over to her then Alina spots Fulcrum leaving Alina ask "Who's that" Aayla looks saw Fulcrum walking she said "Come on".

The droids all got in their transport ship along with Fulcrum ship and waited for Fulcrum who walks towards it then Aayla arrives "Not sticking around" Fulcrum turns to her he said "No, I have stuff to do that needs me" Aayla ask "I heard from Leia you are from the future" Stopping staring forward Fulcrum said "Yes I am" Turning to her "But I'm not the only one who's from the future".

He nods to Alina "Your daughter is from the future too" Stepping forward Alina ask "How did you know I was from the future" Fulcrum said "I know because the Force brought you here as it brought me here a long time ago" The ramp starts to lift noticing Aayla ask "Where will you go" Staring at them Fulcrum said "Until my time has come" Alina and Aayla stare "I must continue what I must do".

It closes Alina and Aayla watch the transport ship leaves going up and leaving Endor heading towards a separatist cruiser going into the hanger the transport ship lands the ramp lowers Fulcrum walks off with the droids "Have these droids repair" A Battle Droid nods said "Roger, roger" Fulcrum waks down the hall making for the elevator he enters turning around the door closes.

At the bridge the door opens, and droids are ready walking to a holotable Fulcrum took his helmet and place it on the table he pulls out a small disk and place it down activating it to reveal a picture staring at it Fulcrum said "All ships prepare to jump to hyperspace at these coordinates" All 200 Federation Starships and 2,000 separatists cruiser point in the same direction and went into hyperspace.

That's the end of Return of the Jedi I hope you all enjoy it

May the Force be with you

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