Luke learns the truth, Hyperdrive

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Luke walks along the path he stops before walking forward to see a door he looks around before entering he walks forward glancing to the sides.

Raven POV

Once Luke's close, I breathe activating my lightsaber to slash him, but he dodges activating his he moves back, and I move forward breathing we clash again twice and lock sabers before I shove Luke back and I slash but he moves, and I slash the wall making sparks and slash at Luke who dodges again making more sparks.

I breathe and slash at Luke only to get the rail I swing at Luke who ducks moving I turn, and we clash sabers again locking I breathe and shove Luke back we clash a couple times I slash on the rail we lock lightsabers and went to the rail I use Force lightning on Luke who screams going on his back on the stairs I stop and aim my lightsaber at him I said "You are beaten".

Luke stares and I step forward "It is useless to resist" Luke starts to crawl back "Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi Wan did" Luke clash my lightsaber a couple times I slash at the ground where he was, we clash again, and I swing making Luke duck he slash hitting my arm "Uh" I swing at Luke who ducks, and I cut a piece of an equipment.

Holding onto the rail and using one hand Luke clash his lightsaber against mine I spin my lightsaber and cut Luke's hand off making him scream in pain Luke yells "Aah" His hand and lightsaber fell below Luke holds his arm I breathe staring at him Luke looks up to me walking forward I said "There is no escape" I stare at him "Don't make me destroy you".

Luke begins to back up "Luke, you do not yet realise your importance" I raise my hand "You have only begun to discover your power" Luke turns around "Join me, and I will complete your training" Luke heads for the antenna "With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy" Luke climbs up and holds on looking to me he said "I'll never join you".

Breathing I raise my hand to him I said "If you only knew the power of the dark side" I clench my fist and Luke reach for a pipe "Obi Wan and your father never told you what happened to your godfather" He looks to me shaking Luke said "They told me enough" He moves around standing on a rail looking to me "They told me you killed him" But I said "No".

I motion myself "I am your godfather" Shocking Luke who said "No" He shake his head "No" He shakes his head more "That's not true" He holds tightly "That's impossible" I breathe staring at him I said "Search your feelings" I raise my hand to him "You know it to be true" Luke yells "NOOOO" He tighten his grip "NO".

He lower his head I said "Luke" He looks to me "You can destroy the emperor" I grip my fist "He has foreseen this" Luke stares at me "It is your destiny" Luke turn his gaze "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as godfather and godson" I raise my hand to Luke who looks down and looks back to me "Come with me" Luke stares at me "It is the only way".

Suddenly he lets go and falls below I lower my hand slowly watching him go out of sight breathing I hear Elite 1 call "Master" I turn to see her and Elite 2 arrive with a couple of Stormtroopers I turn back "Skywalker has escaped us" I breathe staring below Elite 2 said "Elite 3 is dead by Skywalker" Raising my head breathing turning I said "Come" I lead Elite 1 and 2 passing the Stormtroopers.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Luke falls below spinning a bit he was move to the side and went through a chute sliding down before he stops at a flat area Luke slowly sits up looking around breathing, he was about to stand but the floor under him opens, and he falls down and a hatch opens Luke slides down the chute and went out of the hatch and land on an antenna he looks down to see his pistol fell below using his only hand Luke climbs up and stands on the side and moving up the antenna.

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