Jedi Council, Opera, Kashyyk

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Axel POV

I was suddenly called to the Jedi Temple I was walking with a Temple Guard forward we stop at a room I thank the guard the door opens to reveal the Generals all seating and Anakin standing in the middle Windu said "Come in, Commander" I walk forward taking my helmet off noticing Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon and Aayla Secura holograms then notice two empty seats I stood next to Anakin.

We face Yoda who said "Allow this appointment lightly the council does not" I was confused "Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine" Anakin said "I understand" I stand straight I said "Forgive me, Generals" I look at each of them "But what am I here for" Windu raise his head he said "You two are on this council".

I was shocked to hear this Windu looks to Anakin "But we do not grant you the rank of Master, Skywalker" I was on the council I glance at Anakin who ask "What" I stare at him Anakin looks to Obi Wan "How can you do this" I turn my gaze to Windu "This is outrageous" Windu move his head "It's unfair" I stay silent Anakin raise his arm "How can you be on the council and not be a Master"?

Windu said "Take a seat, young Skywalker and Commander" He motion the chairs I salute said "Yes, sir" I walk over to the empty seat next to Aayla and sit down putting my helmet on the side as Anakin bows said "Forgive me, Master" I notice Obi Wan shake his head and Anakin sits next to me Ki-Adi-mundi said "We have surveyed all systems in the Republic, but have found no sighs of General Grievous".

Yoda said "Hiding in the outer rim grievous is" I cross my hands "The outlying systems you must sweep" Obi Wan said "We do not have many ships to spare" Ki-adi-Mundi raise his hands he ask "What about the droid attack on the Wookiees" I turn my head Windu said "It is critical we send an attack group there immediately".

Obi Wan said "He's right" I lean back "It's a system we cannot afford to lose" Yoda nods said "Go I will" He turn his head "Good relations with the Wookiees I have" Windu nods he said "It's settled then" I lean back "Yoda will take a battalion of clones..." I notice Anakin lower his head " reinforce the Wookiees on Kashyyk" I look back Windu leans back "May the Force be with us all".

The Council ended we all stand up and leave I was with Obi Wan and Anakin holding my helmet we walk down the stairs Anakin ask "What kind of nonsense is this" I turn ask "What do you mean" Anakin turn his head he ask "Put my on the council and not make me a master" We walk forward Obi Wan turn his head "It's never been done in the history of the Jedi"

Anakin looks at him "It's insulting" I went between them I said "Easy, sir" Obi Wan said "Oh, calm down, Anakin" I look at him "You and Axel have both been given a great honour" Obi Wan looks to Anakin "To be on the council at your age-" We stop walking "-it's never happened before" We stare at him "The fact of the matter is you are too close to the chancellor".

He cross his arms "The council doesn't like it when he interferes in Jedi affairs" Anakin said "I swear to you, I didn't ask to be put on the council" I look at Obi Wan I said "Neither have I, sir" Obi Wan said "But it's what you wanted Anakin" He turns Anakin and I follow him "Your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off" Anakin said "That has nothing to do with this".

Obi Wan look to us he said "The only reason the council has approved your appointment Anakin is because the chancellor trusts you" Obi Wan looks to me "You Axel being the one using the lightsaber you have without the Force has impressed the council" I hold my lightsaber I said "I use this lightsaber to honour the fallen Jedi who gave it to me"

I put it back on my belt "And I will continue to do so" Anakin then ask "And" Obi Wan turn he said "Anakin, Axel and I are on your side" We walk to a window I said "Always on your side, sir" Obi Wan said "I didn't want to put you both in this situation" Anakin ask "What situation" I look at Obi Wan who turns around lowers his head.

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