Rogue One, Scarif, Infiltration

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Chirrut and Baze are sitting by the wall an Announcer said "General Syndulla, please report to the briefing room" Chirrut turn his head as Jyn walks forward with Bodhi catching up passing rebels Baze calls "You don't look happy" Jyn spread her arms she said "They prefer to surrender" She sighs "Even with Fulcrum showing them what the Death Star can do" Baze ask "And you"?

Chirrut move his hand along his staff he turn his head Chirrut said "She wants to fight" Bodhi said "So do I" Jyn looks to him "We all do" Chirrut raise his hand he said "The Force is strong" He puts it on his staff Jyn raise her arm she said "I'm not sure four of us is quite enough" Baze turn ask "How many do we need" Confuse Jyn ask "What are you talking about"?

Baze turns and raise his arm and motion behind her Jyn slowly turns to see Cassian and a group or Rebels with him heading for her Cassian said "They were never gonna believe you" Jyn spread her arms she said "I appreciate the support" Cassian nods said "I do" He step forward "I believe you" Jyn stares at him Cassian looks to the group "We'd like to volunteer".

Jyn looks at them "Some of us..." Cassian moves a bit looking back to Jyn "Well, most of us..." Cassian shake his head "...we've done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion" He looks back to the group "Spies..." He his hand "...saboteurs, assassins" Cassian looks back "Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion" Jyn looks to Cassian "And every time I walked away..."

Cassian shake his head "...from something I wanted to forget..." He move his head "...I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in" He spread his arms looking at Jyn "A cause that was worth it" Jyn stares "Without that, we're lost" Cassian shake his head "Everything we've done would have been for nothing" He shake his head again "I couldn't face myself if I gave up now".

Jyn stares at him as Bodhi lower his head and Cassian spread his arms "None of us could" Jyn starts to smile Bodhi said "It won't be comfortable" Bodhi motion his arms "It'd be a bit cramped, but we'd all fit" He nods, and Jyn looks to him "We could go" Jyn looks back smiling at Cassian who said "Okay" He turns "Gear up".

Baze got up "Grab anything that's not nailed down" He walks as Chirrut stands up Jyn looks to Bodhi and nod Bodhi moves "Go, go, go" K-2SO said "Jyn" Making Jyn look to him "I'll be there for you" Jyn stares "Cassian said I had to" K-2SO walks while Cassian turns to Jyn he walks up to her Jyn said "I'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad" They stare at each other Cassian leans said "Welcome home".

Outside the temple an announcement is made Cassian and Jyn walk to the shuttle they slow down to see Rebels standing with Baze and Chirrut with them as Cassian climbs up the ladder with Bodhi behind him and Jyn holds a handle she said "May the Force be with us" They applause and laugh as Chirrut bang his staff the ramp close while Bodhi stands by the com's.

A Dispatcher said "Cargo shuttle, read back please" Bodhi leans back "What's going on out there" Jyn climbs up the ladder and kneels down "That ship's off-limits" Bodhi sits on the chair "No one's supposed to be on board until further instructions" Bodhi flips a switch and grabs a headphone he said "Yes, yes, we are".

He move a bit "Affirmative" Dispatcher said "That's an impounded Imperial ship" Jyn looks to Bodhi "What's your call sign, pilot" Bodhi looks to Jyn he said "Um..." Jyn nods said "We have to go" Bodhi said "It's, um..." He looks to Jyn who said "Say something" She pulls out a pistol "Come on" Bodhi just said "Rogue" Jyn stares at him Bodhi turn his head "Rogue One".

Dispatcher ask "Rogue One" K-2SO turn his head "There is no Rogue One" He press a couple of buttons looking back K-2SO said "Well, there is now" He turn his head and Jyn looking to Bodhi who said "Rogue One, pulling away" K-2SO said "Pulling away" Jyn holds on.

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