Jyn vs Krennic, transmitting, Raven, Leia Organa

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3rd POV

Meanwhile four Ties took out a couple of Vultures and hitting a transport ship before heading for Raddus ship the pilot fires hitting a row passing by making Raddus, the Lieutenant and the Rebels shake as the Ties fly pass Rebel said "Deflector shields down to 50%" The Rebel raise his head "We're sustaining heavy damage" Raddus turns said "There's no turning back now".

He stares at the Rebel "We have to press the attack" He shakes as a couple of Ties fire hitting Raddus ship, but they got destroyed by a Rebel and Vulture then more Ties chase after them turning around a group of X-wings fly pass one got shot while Fulcrum watch a Tie get destroyed Droid said "Sir" Fulcrum looks to him "The cannon is ready, and the other cruiser cannon is ready also".

Fulcrum said "Good" He looks towards the Star Destroyers in the distance "Get me Raddus now" Droid nod said "Roger, roger" He press a few buttons as the Lieutenant looks down said "Sir, incoming transmission from Fulcrum" Raddus said "Put it through" Fulcrum appears "Fulcrum, we need help" Fulcrum just said "Have you transports, and fighters move away from the Star Destroyers right now".

Confusing Raddus who ask "Why" Fulcrum said "Just do it and let me know they're clear" The hologram disappears Raddus turns said "Call all ships and fighters to stay clear from the Star Destroyers" The Lieutenant said "Yes, Admiral" Raddus turns towards the Cruisers noticing two facing the sides.

Hutch leads his squad towards the Star Destroyer about to attack "All ships and fighters move away from the Star Destroyers right now" Hutch said "You heard him" He went right leading his squad Raddus watching Lieutenant said "All ships and fighters are clear" Fulcrum sees Raddus appear he said "It's all clear, Fulcrum".

Fulcrum looks to the Droid who said "Both cannons charge" Fulcrum stares at the Star Destroyers he yell "Fire" The sides of the two Cruisers lit up to reveal to be cannons and they fire sending a purple electronic wave an Officer sees them heading for them he turns yell "Brace for impact" Ties that we're in the way got hit and all systems shut down.

When the wave hit the Star Destroyers making the systems and power shut down a 2nd Officer said "We're losing all power sir" The Star Destroyers start to tilt, and Vultures leads the Rebel fighters destroying any Tie that got in the wave Raddus notice he said "Those Star Destroyers are disabled" Fulcrum appears he said "The Ion Cannon disabled both Destroyers" Raddus said "Good plan".

Meanwhile Bodhi flips a few switches he said "This is Rogue One calling any Alliance ships that can hear me" He takes a breath before taking his goggles off "Is there anybody out there" He stares "This is Rogue One" Raddus hears him he turn his seat "Come in, over" Looking down "This is Admiral Raddus, Rogue One" He stares below "We hear you".

Bodhi laughs he said "We have the plans" He takes a breath "They found the Death Star plans" He raise his hand "They have to transmit them from the communications tower" Raddus listens to Bodhi "You have to take down the shield gate" Looking below at Scarif "It's the only way they're gonna get them through" Raddus turns said "Call up a Hammerhead corvette, I have an idea"

Bodhi breathing Raddus said "Stand by, Rogue One" Bodhi raise his head "We're on it" He stares said "This is for you, Galen" Two Rebels got shot another Rebel fires then got shot while a Stormtrooper holds a charger heads for the shuttle making Bodhi look to see him the Stormtrooper threw the charger inside the shuttle pass Bodhi into the back, he stares then the charger explodes killing him and destroying Rogue One while Baze looks saw the explosion.

He stares and grab his cannon standing up and walks forward Baze said "The Force is with me, and I'm one with the Force" Baze cock his cannon, and a Death Trooper runs up only to get shot by the cannon killing him the other Death Troopers fire at Baze who fires killing another cocking his cannon and fire again killing a third.

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