Recovery, Battle of Hoth

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3rd POV

Rouge 2 Squadron returns entering the base as a Medical Droid turns Han, Chewie, C-3PO, Leia and Anakin watch Luke wearing a breathing mask floating in a bacta tank Han moves a bit then another Medical droid connects on the glass making Luke open his eyes looks around confuse before being lifted out of the tank.

Now Luke is sitting on a bed wearing a robe C-3PO said "Master Luke, sir, it's so good to see you fully functional again" Luke looks to him he said "Thanks 3PO" R2 and R3 both beep and blip "R2 and R3 both expresses their relief also" The door opens Han ask "How ya feelin', kid" Chewie grunts while Luke towards them "You don't look so bad to me" Anakin and Leia both walk in to watch them.

Chewie grunts putting a hand on Luke's shoulder "You look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark" Smiling Luke said "Thanks to you" Smirking and raising two fingers Han said "That's two you owe me, junior" Luke chuckles and Han turns to Leia and Anakin "Well, Your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer" Anakin glance to Leia who moves her head.

Leia said "I had nothing to do with it" She raise her head "General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield" Chewie turn his head as C-3PO move his head Han said "That's a good story" Anakin glance to him "I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight" Luke roll his head and Leia said "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain".

Anakin chuckles a bit and Chewie grunts said "Hah hah hah" Slowly looking to him Han said "Laugh it up, fuzzball, but you didn't see us alone in the south passage" He turns back standing up walking over to Leia "She expressed her true feelings for me" He puts an arm around Leia who looks up to him while Anakin raise a brow Leia said "My-".

Han looks down to her and Luke watch them "Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder" Han walks a bit but he turns back to her Han ask "Who's scruffy-looking" R3 and R2 both beep as Leia stares at Han who turns and bends down to Luke "I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh kid".

Luke glance to Han who looks to Leia with Chewie and Anakin look too and nodding Leia walks over to them as Han cross his arms Leia said "Well, I guess you don't know everything about woman yet" Suddenly Leia leans to Luke and gives him a kiss surprising Han, Anakin blinks at this, Chewie grunts and C-3PO comes over looking between Han and Leia who pulls back looking to Han and leaves.

An Announcer said Chewie grunts and Luke put his hands behind his head looking up as Han and C-3PO look to Chewie "Headquarters personnel, report to the command centre" Looking back Han said "Take it easy" He leaves with Chewie while C-3PO said "Excuse us, please".

C-3PO leaves R2 and R3 both beep leaving Anakin said "You rest up, son" But Luke said "Father" Anakin looks to him "I saw Ben" That got Anakin's attention he walks over to Luke he ask "What did he say" Luke said "I have to go with you to the Degobah system and learn from a Jedi called Yoda" Anakin starts to smile noticing "Do you know him"?

Anakin said "Yoda was the grandmaster of the Jedi council in the Jedi Order he was the one that made Obi Wan become my master" Placing a hand on Luke's shoulder "Rest now, son, I'll be back" Luke nods and Anakin leaves the medical bay.

Meanwhile at the command centre Carlist is currently looking down then turn his head Carlist said "Princess, Admiral, we have a visitor" Han, Anakin and Leia walks over to him "Picked up something outside the base's Zone 12 moving east" The Rebel said "It's metal" Leia said "Then it couldn't be one of those creatures" Han said "Could be a speeder, one of ours".

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