Battle of Endor part 2

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3rd POV

Meanwhile the Death Star fires a blast only for the ion cannons to fire hitting the blast making another explosion as a few Vultures and Rebels went forward Lando said "Yes, I said closer" He heads for the Star Destroyers "Move as close as you can and engage those Stardestroyers at point-blank range" Listening to this Ackbar said "At that close range, we won't last long against those Stardestroyers".

But Fulcrum leading a group forward he said "We'll last longer against that Death Star" A few cruisers have engage the Star Destroyers "And we might just have to take all of them with us" Lando and Fulcrum lead a large group towards a Star Destroyer with two Tie interceptors behind them a Rebel yells "She's gonna blow" He and a Vulture manage to get out of the shield deflector explosion.

A couple of Ties chase after a Rebel who yells "I can't shake them" Suddenly two Vultures arrive and destroy the Ties saving the Rebel before moving off to join a group of Vultures heading for another Star Destroyer.

Meanwhile Aayla, Anakin and Luke continue to watch the battle Sidious said "Your fleet is lost, and your friends on the Endor moon will not survive" Raven breathes as Sidious stares "There is no escape..." He shake his head " young apprentice" Luke stares at Sidious while Aayla and Anakin turn to him, they look to Raven who stares "The Alliance will die..."

Luke breathes " will your friends" Aayla and Anakin looks to Luke who slowly glances to his lightsaber "Good" Sidious closed his eyes "I can feel your anger" Luke looks to Aayla "I am defenceless" He glance back "Take your weapon" Sidious stares "Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete".

But Aayla and Anakin turns back to the battle and Luke follows but he glances to Aayla and Anakin who both nods slightly they turn back use the Force to have their lightsabers go them they activate them just as Raven activates his and clash against theirs his Elites activate their lightsabers while Sidious smiles laugh said "Ha ha ha ha ha".

Meanwhile the Ewoks and Droids continue to run from an At-St that fires at them as two Ewoks speak Ewokese to one another and stopping behind them is Chewie who growls they saw the Ewoks, and Droids need help Chewie grunts pointing at the other At-St then runs with the two Ewoks behind him.

The At-St continues to walk forward using a vine Chewie yells "Ah, eeyaheeyah..." He swings with the Ewoks holding on to him "...eeyaheeyah" Inside the two Drivers heard noises looking behind them then at the holes to see an Ewok waving 1st Driver said "Look" He points, and the 2nd Driver said "Get him off of there" The Ewok is lifted, and the 2nd Driver stands up.

He opens the hatch only to get dragged out by Chewie who threw the 2nd Driver who yells "Aaah" He screams falling off the At-St as the two Ewoks climb inside the At-St attacking the Driver and got into the seats pressing a button making the At-St move shaking Chewie who pokes his head in He grunts moving his arm at the Ewoks.

So, Chewie poking his head out and climbs in before closing the hatch while the Ewoks and Droids run avoiding shots from an At-St but coming up from behind is another it aims and fires destroying the At-St head noticing a Droid said "Stop" The Droids and Ewoks stop to see the At-St head destroyed as Chewie grunts at an Ewok.

The At-St walks pass a couple of Ewoks cheer jumping up and down with a Droid raising its arm with the blaster an Ewok attempt to touch but Chewie grunts slapping it's hand and the other Ewok pat Chewie's hair the At-St fire at the Stormtroopers while Droids, and Ewoks cheer and celebrated an Ewok holding a blaster cheers as Chewie's At-St fires at more Stormtroopers that are running away.

Ewoks, and the Droids all fire at the Stormtroopers avoiding getting hit an Ewok looking saw a couple of Scouts coming and swings a rope with the 1st Scout went pass the Ewok threw the rope looping the speeder making it go around the tree the 2nd Scout screams as the Ewok runs while the speeder blows up on impact.

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