Saw death, Eadu, Galen Erso

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3rd POV

Baze and Cassian look up to see the dust and parts of the ceiling coming down Rebels noticing taking to one another looking up and move Chirrut stands up feeling the wall while the rumbling continues, Jyn stares forward and Cassian move his arm out of a gap and manages to hack the control opening the door Baze said "Go, go".

Cassian runs to his bag looking up grabbing a commlink Cassian said "K-2, K-2" Dust fall down "Where are you" Cassian looks up again K-2SO said "There you are" K-2SO is in the ship "I'm standing by as you requested..." He turn his head "...although there's a problem on the horizon" He stares where the City was the ground begins to rise "There's no horizon".

Baze grab his and Chirrut's weapons and Cassian said "Locate our position" Cassian moves "Bring that ship in here, now" Chirrut turns he ask "Where are you going" Cassian stops he said "I gotta find Jyn" He moves but stops looking back "Get the pilot, we need him" Baze stands said "All right" He turns "I'll get the pilot" He holds his cannon.

Bodhi standing by the door in his cell looking around as Baze got Chirrut staff and threw it to him and Chirrut caught it spinning around Baze walk to Bodhi cell "Pilot" Baze aim his cannon making Bodhi cover himself he said "No, no, no" Baze fires hitting the controls making the door open Bodhi looks Baze said "Let's go".

Meanwhile Cassian makes a turn he calls "Jyn" He runs looking around "Jyn" He spots Jyn and stops to see Saw moving holding his staff Cassian hold his blaster "Hey" He looks to Jyn and Saw notice looks down Cassian moves to her "We gotta go" Cassian holds Jyn arm making her look at him "I know where you father is".

Jyn stares Saw said "Go with him, Jyn" Saw looks at Jyn who stands up "You must go" Jyn looks to Saw who move a bit she said "Come with us" But Saw grabs her arm he said "I will run no longer" Cassian said "Come on" Jyn stares at Saw who said "But you must save yourself" Cassian said "Come on" Saw yells "Go" Cassian and Jyn begin to move Cassian said "There's no time".

They run the way Cassian came Saw yells "Save the Rebellion" Saw watching "Save the dream" Outside the temple begins to collapse Saw's rebels begin to run away to their ships Bodhi coming out stops look saw the destruction of Jedha City while Krennic, Tarkin, and the Officers watch from the Death Star work Krennic said "Oh, it's beautiful" He nods please.

Meanwhile the ground start to rise getting closer Baze watching with Chirrut and Bodhi turn his head then K-2SO comes around Baze notice he said "Chirrut, let's go" He and Chirrut runs forward just as Jyn and Cassian runs out of the temple Cassian said "Come on" He grabs Bodhi who looks to him "Let's get out of here" Bodhi joins and runs with Jyn, Cassian, Chirrut and Baze as the ground gets closer.

Bodhi looks saw the ship stopping to hover down in front of them the engines roaring, and the door open for Baze, Chirrut, Jyn, Cassian and Bodhi to all climb in Cassian looks to K-2SO "Get us out of here" The door closes, and Jyn looks out the window "Punch it" Cassian gets into the pilot seat while K-2SO turn his head he said "I'm not very optimistic about our odds".

Cassian just said "Not now, K" They begin to hover turning the ship around and fly away while Saw walks pass an oval tunnel and watch them leave and the ground gets closer to him Saw grab his tube and pulls it off making his decompression hiss Saw spread his arm letting it go staring forward as the ground reach the temple and destroys it while Jyn watch from the ship.

Bodhi moves away and Baze stares looking through the other window as Chirrut stares in front of him while the ship flies pass rubble that's falling down from the ground huge parts smash into other below them Cassian hitting the lever "Come on" The ships flies through the rubble Jyn watching while the ship heads for the opening "Punch it" But K-2SO said "I haven't completed my calculations".

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