Ewok village, Luke, Anakin and Aayla leave

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3rd POV

A few hours later the Ewoks are taking the group across a bridge Han, Luke, Anakin and Chewie are tied on long branches, R2 and R3 both strapped on splints and C-3PO is on a chair being carried they stop an Ewok swings across another Ewok notice turns and blows a horn it yells in Ewokese making more Ewoks moves as a path is lowered for the Ewoks to carry C-3PO down along with Han, Luke, Anakin, Chewie, R2 and R3 behind him.

They move into an area two Ewoks move Han over some rocks Han said "Ow" He notice them "Hey" He raise his head, R2 and R3 are being lowered down they squeak turning their heads the Ewoks turn placing C-3PO down while Luke, Anakin and Chewie are upright against a hut Chewie grunts said "Rrrr" Anakin looks to him "Arrrr".

A grey Ewok name Logray moves through the Ewoks looking around Han said "I have a really bad feeling about this" Logray walks up to where C-3PO is and looks at Han's pistol in his hands Wicket tilt his head scratching his ear a baby Ewok watch this C-3PO looks to Logray he speaks Ewokese moving his arms and Logray speaks Ewokese motion Han, Luke, Anakin and Chewie.

Leaning up Han ask "What did he say" C-3PO said "I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honour" Chewie roars said "Arrrrr" Han watch a pair of Ewoks singing in Ewokese putting wood underneath Han then a pair of Ewokes hit a drum then coming out of a hut is Leia in a dress and Aayla both wondering what's going on.

Surprise Luke said "Leia" Looking up Han said "Leia" Moving his head Anakin said "Aayla" Leia tries to go forward but Aayla stops her when the Ewoks speak Ewokese pointing her spears at her raising his arm C-3PO said "Your Royal Highness" Looking at them Leia said "But these are my friends" She looks to Aayla "Can you do something" Aayla said "Let me talk to Logray".

The Ewoks let Aayla walk pass them over to Logray she kneels down Aayla speaks Ewokese to Logray motion Luke, Anakin, Han and Chewie shaking her head, but Logray shake his head he speaks Ewokese motion the Ewoks who are singing putting more wood under Han who notice getting up Aayla shook her head Leia said "3PO, tell them they must be set free".

Looking around Chewie grunts said "Arrrrr" He tries to get himself free as C-3PO speaks Ewokese to Logray who just shake his head he speaks Ewokese motion the Ewoks who said "Eee" Carrying woo "Ya" Passing one to another "Ya" Putting them under Han "Ya" Leaning up Han said "Somehow I got the feeling that didn't help us very much".

Having an idea Anakin said "3PO, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic" C-3PO ask "But, Master Anakin, what magic" The Ewoks move around "I couldn't possibly" Understanding Luke said "Just tell them" Aayla looks to C-3PO who speaks Ewokese raising his arm catching the Ewoks attention C-3PO lower his arms then raise them "Boom".

That made the Ewoks speak Ewokese to one another, but Logray speaks Ewokese pointing an Ewok holding a torch moves through the Ewoks "You see, Master Luke, Anakin" The Ewok moves to Han "They didn't believe me, just as I said they wouldn't" Leia looks saw another Ewok went pass with a torch went over Han said "Wait, wait" He tries to blow the fire out.

Aayla looks to Luke and Anakin to see them closing their eyes and they use the Force to lift C-3PO's chair making an Ewok yell "Whoo, whoo" Catching the other Ewoks "Whoo" Logray and Aayla's attention "Whoo" The Ewoks begin to run C-3PO ask "What's happening" The Baby Ewok said "Eee" It hides as Leia is push back.

Logray and another Ewok hide behind Aayla's legs holding on to her scared "Put me down" Wicket runs away "Help" Luke and Anakin open their eyes "Somebody" C-3PO's chair turns "Somebody, help" C-3PO spread his arm "Master Luke, Anakin" His chair moves "R2, R3, quickly" C-3PO move his arms "Oh, oh" Had enough Logray speaks Ewokese making the Ewoks move to free Luke, Han, Anakin and Chewie.

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