Sarlacc Pit Battle, Darth Sidious, Yoda Dies

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3rd POV

A Guard use his spear to push Luke at the end of the plank the Guard moves on the plank the Sarlacc notice this squeaks the speeder went around watching Luke looks to Lando he nods to him and Lando nods back then Luke looks towards saw R2 there beeping nodding Han looks around Chewie growls.

Leia sits watching Luke who gives a two finger salute to R2 who open a compartment to reveal a lightsaber Jabba holding the mic he said "Put him in" The Guard use his spear to move Luke who went over the edge but grabs it and use it just as R2 fires a lightsaber into the air while Luke flips over the Guard.

Luke lands raise his arm and use the Force to send the lightsaber to his hand activate it to show a green saber he dodge a staff and swing his lightsaber at the Guard while Lando took his helmet off and use it to the 2nd Guard Luke swings his lightsaber on a Guard knocking him off the speeder towards the Sarlacc it squeaks.

Jabba sees this and his other Guards move a Gamorrean bumps into C-3PO who falls to the ground and the Gamorrean moves while Leia turns her head a bit watching Luke swings causing another Guard fall he screams "Aah" Falls into the Sarlacc, and Luke went over to Chewie and Han he turns Chewie who grunts said "Grr" Luke works on Chewie's binder Chewie growls said "Grr".

Luke said "Easy, Chewie" On top of the barge another 5th Guard holds walking to the rail putting it on as Lando continues to fight the Guard, but the 5th Guard aims and fires missing them but causing Lando and the Guard to fall over the speeder luckily Lando grabs a couple of cables, but the Guard fell towards the Sarlacc while Boba comes out, he activates his jetpack and heads for the speeder.

Lando yells "Help" Boba heads towards them Luke notice Boba coming, he lands aims but Luke slash his blaster another shot hit the speeder Luke yells "Han, Chewie" They fall to the ground making Luke look Han ask "Chewie, you're hit" Boba use this to fire his wire wrapping around Luke who struggles "Where is it" Chewie holds his legs where he got hit and Luke use his lightsaber and cuts the wire off.

The 5th Guard fires causing Boba to fall on the floor Lando yells "Han, Chewie" Han said "Lando" Chewie growls suddenly shots fire at Luke who turn to see the other speeder heading towards them he runs jumps onto the other speeder while Boba slowly gets up, he looks towards Luke who uses his lightsaber to deflect shots.

Han standing holding a piece of the railing Chewie roars catching his attention Han ask "Boba Fett" Boba raise his arm and aims at Luke who sent another Guard over the edge "Boba Fett" Han turns "Where" He accidently hit Boba's jetpack activating it "What the" Boba flailing his arms and legs screaming he said "Eeyaah".

He flies pass Luke who kicks a pistol off a Guard making him fall off the edge as Boba hits the side of the barge "Uhh" He falls down the sand and starts rolling down into the Sarlacc who open its mouth eating him it burps.

Meanwhile Jabba yells in Huttese not seeing Leia use the mic to hit the controls causing the flaps to close Leia took her chain and wrap them around Jabba's who notice grabs the chain Leia pulls but then, but Jabba leans forward making her go forward but she pull back and Jabba has his tongue out being choked.

Luke slash a Guard over the edge and into the Sarlacc as Han use the piece holds it to Lando who tries to get it Han said "Lando, grab it" Lando said "Lower it" Han does said "I'm trying" Luke jumps avoid getting trip, he swings his lightsaber while Leia continues to pull the chain Jabba said "Augghh" Grabbing the chain as Leia continues to pull Jabba moving around his tail wiggles fast, but Jabba slumps he rattles then dies making Leia breath in relief she jump to the floor.

Meanwhile three shots hit the speeder causing it to tilt Lando fall on the sand, Han using small cables to hang himself sways Han said "Grab me, Chewie" Chewie grabs Han's legs as Lando said "I'm slipping", Luke notice this looks to see the 5th Guard fires hitting the speeder Luke runs and use the Force to jump and land suddenly the flap lift to reveal a Guard Luke grabs the arm pulling sending him below Luke begins to climb up while the Guard is pulled into the Sarlacc mouth eating him.

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