Force training, Lando Calrissian

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3rd POV

Meanwhile back on Degobah after coming from the dark side Luke continue his training, he's currently balancing on his hands with Yoda on his foot with Anakin sitting down with R2 and R3 near him all watching Yoda said "Use the Force", Luke move his left leg out and balance on his left hand spreading his right hand "Yes" R2 beeping Anakin watch and R3 blip "Now, the stone..."

Luke use the Force to lift the stone Anakin smile at the progress "Feel it" The stone starts to lower down on another rock R2 beeping Anakin said "R2, please be silent" But then R3 blips and beeps shaking making Anakin look at him "What do you mean, 'Luke's ship sinking'" Luke's X-wing begins to sink noticing Luke put his hand down losing his balance.

The stone fell and Yoda said "Concentraaaaaaate" Luke collapse on his back and Yoda fell onto the ground Anakin gets up and went over to them R2 beeps and R3 whistles Anakin ask "Are you all right, Luke" Nodding Luke said "I'm okay" He sits looks to Yoda who stands up slowly looking to the lake, Anakin looks, and Luke gets up and walks pass R2 and R3 towards the lake and saw his ship under.

Stopping Luke said "Oh, no" Waving his arms "We'll never get it out now" Staring at him Yoda said "So certain are you" Luke looks to Yoda who sighs shaking his head "Always with you it cannot be done" Raising his head "Hear you nothing that I say" Turning to them Luke said "Master, moving stones around is one thing" He turns motioning his ship "This is totally different".

But Yoda said "No" He stomp his stick "No, different" He leans in "Only different in your mind" Yoda raise a finger "You must unlearn what you have learned" Raising his head Anakin said "Luke" Luke looks to Anakin "I raise a huge amount of rubble that were bigger than me and another Jedi to save our Padawans" Staring at him Luke said "All right".

He turns to the lake "I'll give it a try" But Yoda said "No" Luke turns back "Try not" Yoda points "Do" He place his hand on his other "Or do not" Yoda shake his head "There is no try" Slowly nodding Luke looks back to his ship he exhales close his eyes opens them he stretch his hand out closing his eyes again and use the Force.

The X-wing begins to rise, Yoda eyes widen, and Anakin begins to smile Luke keeps focusing his hand begins to shakes R2 and R3 both blip and beep shaking side to side but the X-wing begins to sink again R2 and R3 both groan and the X-wing is fully submerge making Yoda close his eyes lowering his head and Anakin sighs while Luke watch breathing.

Yoda sighs Luke walks back over to him, and Anakin then sits down breathing Luke said "I can't" Yoda and Anakin look to Luke "It's too big" But Anakin said "Sizes doesn't matter, Luke" Motion Yoda said "Look at me" Luke looks to him "Judge me by my size, do you" Staring at him Luke shake his head a bit "Hmm" He lower his gaze "Hmph".

Leaning forward Yoda stares "And well you should not, for my ally is the Force" He lower his eye lids "And a powerful ally it is" He turns his head "Life creates it, makes it grow" He looks around turning around "Its energy surrounds us..." He spread his arms "...and bids us" He turns back to Luke moving closer "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" He put his hand on Luke shoulder.

Luke looks at Yoda "You must feel the Force around you-" He motion around "Here, between you, me, your father, the tree, the rock, everywhere" Anakin looks around "Yes..." He look back "...even between the land and the ship" Luke gets up he said "You want the impossible" Anakin said "Luke", But Luke walk pass him, and Yoda then went around a branch grabbing his jacket and sits down.

Anakin looks to Yoda who raise his head to him and nod slowly making Anakin look back then taking a deep breath Anakin close his eyes and Yoda does the same they raise their hands towards the lake and begin to use the Force while bubbles appear making R2 and R3 both beep and blip surprise shaking turning their heads.

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