Battle of Yavin 4

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3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Command centre Leia, Anakin, Dravits, C-3PO and R2 all reach the holotable looking at the hologram Officer said "Standby alert" They saw the Death Star moving "Death Star approaching" Dodonna looks at the hologram "Estimated time to firing range, 15 minutes" Officers at the com all ready.

Passing Yavin the 30 Rebels and Vultures all fly forward towards the Death Star turning his head Dave said "All wings report in" Red 10 said "Red 10 standing by" Red 7 said "Red 7 standing" Biggs looking forward he said "Red 3 standing by" Looking forward Porkins said "Red 6 standing by" Red 9 said "Red 9 standing by" Seeing the Death Star getting closer Wedge said "Red 2 standing by".

Luke looks forward as Red 11 said "Red 11 standing by" Turning Luke said "Red 5 standing by" He checks around as R3 beeps turning his head Dave said "Lock S-foils in attack position" The X-wings all open their flaps, the Y-wings got ready, and the Vultures move into formation the ships begin to shake "We're passing through the magnetic field" Dave stares "Hold tight".

Luke looks around a bit "Switch your deflectors on" Biggs turn his head "Double front" They approach the Death Star staring shock Wedge said "Look at the size of that thing" Luke looks as Dave said "Cut the chatter, Red 2" Dave looks forward "Accelerate to attack speed" They rebels and vultures all head forward fast "This is it, boys" Hutch said "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader".

Turning his head forward Luke press a button as Dave said "I copy, Gold Leader" Hutch said "We're starting for the target shaft now" Dave said "We're in position" He looks at a spot "I'm going to cut the across the axis and draw their fire" Dave, three Rebels and three Vultures all went down heading for the surface and the gunners begin to fire at them.

A Rebel spins going forward, a Rebel and Vulture went pass a gunner that turns firing at them as they went out of range while at the rebel base listening Rebel said "Heavy fire, boss, 23 degrees" Dave said "I see it" An Officer points "Stay low" Wedge and a Vulture flies pass multiple gunners that try to shoot them down but fails making Wedge and the Vulture head up to space.

Meanwhile Luke with a Vulture head forward Luke said "This is Red 5 and Vulture 5" Vulture gets ready "We're going in" They fire down at the surface causing a big explosion Biggs call "Luke, Vulture 5, pull up" They did so Biggs looking "Luke, you all right" Luke said "A little cooked, but I'm okay" Vulture 5 does a spin as they fly pass a couple of gunners.

Meanwhile Stormtroopers, Officers and Soldiers moves through the halls and the alarm blaring an Officer looks saw Raven and his Elites walking the Officer heads to them he said "We count 60 rebel ships, Lord Raven, but they're so small they're evading our turbolasers" Breathing for a bit and turning to a stop Raven said "We'll have to destroy them ship to ship".

Raven turns to Elites 1, 2 and 3 "Get the crews to their fighters and join them" Elites 1, 2 and 3 nod they said "Yes, master" They turn and leave as Raven and Elite 4 head for the controls and the Officer runs while Dave avoids the lasers turning his head Dave said "Watch yourself" Luke staring forward "There's a lot of fire coming from the right side of that deflection tower".

Seeing it Luke said "Vulture 5 and I are on it" He flips a switch as Biggs said "I'm going in with Vulture 3", He moves forward "Cover us, Porkins" Near them Porkins said "Right with you, Red 3" Biggs, Vulture 3 and Porkins all fire at the deflector tower destroying it causing a few explosions in the hallways while the gunners turn firing to hit them.

Porkins notice something wrong "I've got a problem here" The gunners continue firing Biggs said "Eject" But Porkins said "I can hold it" Biggs said "Pull up" Porkins said "No, I'm all right..." Suddenly Porkins explodes, and his ship destroyed while the screen shows the planet moving Officer said "The rebel base will be in firing range in seven minutes" Tarkin stares at the screen.

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