Another Happy Landing, News, Visions

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Axel POV

Obi Wan, Anakin, Palpatine and I are being escorted to the bridge the doors open we walk forward hands behind our backs and saw Grievous who turns he said "Ah, yes" I walk behind Anakin "The negotiator" I turn "General Kenobi" We stood in front of the captain's chair "We've been waiting for you" A Captain Droid said "Excuse me".

It walk forward holding Anakin, Obi Wan and mine lightsabers Grievous said "That wasn't much of a rescue" He takes the lightsabers from the Droid who said "You're welcome" Grievous turn to me he said "The Clone Commander" He coughs I stare at him "I expected you to put up a more fight when we first met" I raise my head I said "Then give me my lightsaber and I'll show you".

Grievous turns said "And..." He coughs looking at Anakin "Anakin Skywalker" Grievous walks up to him "I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little..." Obi Wan and I watch Grievous lean closer "...older" He wheezes moving back and Anakin turn his head he said "General Grievous" He move his head "You're shorter than I expected".

I smirk behind my helmet as Grievous coughing he said "Jedi scum" He move his arm holding our lightsabers Obi Wan said "We have a job to do, Anakin, Axel" I look to him "Try not to upset him" I just ask "Who's upsetting" R2 and R3 beeping and chirping I look to Anakin then back to Grievous who coughs he turns said "Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection".

He move his cloak to reveal another lightsaber as he puts ours with it Obi Wan said "Not this time" I got ready "And this time, you won't escape" Anakin said "R2" I said "R3" Both R2 and R3 open their compartments and went crazy squealing Obi Wan turn using the Force to get his lightsaber and I turn for Obi Wan to free me.

I turn Grievous said "Crush them" Obi Wan frees Anakin who use the Force to get his and mine we caught them and activate them to see two Magna Guards walk forward "Make them suffer" I turn and slash a droid in half and block a bolt Anakin and Obi Wan deals with the Magna Guards I move and notice four droids taking Palpatine out the door.

I run forward the two droids in front fire I deflect each shot getting closer and cut their heads off I said "Duck" Palpatine did for me to cut both droids sideways I free Palpatine uncuffing him just as Anakin slash the Magna Guard in half we run forward and start slashing droids destroying them I turn battle cry slashing another one.

Anakin and I stood together and Obi Wan stood blocking Grievous who holds a Manga Staff he looks between us then to Obi Wan he said "You lose, General Kenobi" He raise the staff and hit the window making it crack I turn and hold onto the panel with Anakin just as the window got destroyed Obi Wan holds onto Anakin.

We keep our grip Obi Wan said "Axel" I said "On it" I reach forward onto a control panel blue lines come out for the shield to activate blocking the window we stood gasping everyone in bridge start to run with a few droids left Anakin, Obi Wan and I start slashing the rest of them until there are none left the alarm beeping Anakin said "All the escape pods have been launched".

R3 and R2 beeping Obi Wan said "Grievous" He looks to Anakin "Can you fly a cruisier like this" Anakin, Obi Wan and I walk forward and sit down Anakin ask "You mean, do I know how to land what's left of this thing" I ask "Well, sir" Anakin press a few buttons he said "Well, under the circumstances, I'd say the ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant".

I turn said "Strap yourselves in, sirs" Anakin said "Axel give me hand with this" I nod and begin to help "Open all hatches" I put my hand on a control for blue lines to come out "Extend all flaps and drag fins" R2 and R3 squeaking and whistling I kept working suddenly we lean forward hearing a loud noise I ask "What was that"?

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