Evacuation, Hyperdrive damage, Asteroid field

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3rd POV

Meanwhile the separatist cruisers continue to battle against the Star Destroyers the cruisers took down two Star Destroyers for two transports and their escorts to fly away safely and another cruiser fires it's ion cannon taking out another Star Destroyer while Carlist went to Leia he said "I think we can protect the last of transports on time".

A Rebel said "The Imperial Walkers are getting closer to the generator should I send a code to have the separatist send a few of their fighters to cover the troopers" Carlist looks to Leia who said "It's risky, but we can't hold out much longer" A Blast is heard, and everything shakes making Carlist look up then back down "We have no choice".

Looking back to Leia and turns Carlist said "Launch patrol and send the code" The Rebel nods and begins to do that and turning to another rebel Leia said "Evacuate remaining ground staff" Chewie and Han are still working on the Falcon on top of it Chewie grunts said "Gahhh" Han listens using a screwdriver he said "No, no" Chewie watch Han runs over, and he points "This one goes there" He points at another area "That one goes there".

He look at him "Right" Chewie nod as a group of Rebels move while R2 and R3 both being loaded up onto Luke's X-wing and Anakin's X-wing as C-3PO comes over to them he ask "R2, R3, you both take good care of Master Luke and Master Anakin now, understand" R2 and R3 both beeping "And do take care of yourselves" Anakin getting inside his ship he said "Don't worry, C-3PO, they'll be all right" The Rebels had the pipes comes off C-3PO turns "Oh, dear, oh dear" He leaves.

Meanwhile the two remaining At-At's continue to fire at the Rebels who all fire back at them an airspeeder went pass firing more Rebels move to different areas the At-At fires destroying a couple of turrets and a FD P-Tower while an At-St walks forward firing Veers turn to a Stormtrooper he said "All troops will debark for ground assault".

The Stormtrooper nods moving forward, and Elite 3 walk a bit forward staring she said "Prepare to target the main power generator" In the distance is the shield generator while Luke and Wedge move their airspeeders turning his head Luke ask "Rogue Two, are you all right" Wedge said "Yeah" Wedge had a bit of blood on him "I'm with you, Rogue Leader".

Looking forward Luke said "Well, set harpoon" He moves a bit "I'll cover for you" Wedge and Luke head towards the two At-At's they move avoiding the shots Wedge said "Coming around" Staring forward Luke said "Watch that crossfire, boys" He avoid more shots as Wedge press a button he said "Set for position three" Janson moves the control "Steady".

Wedge and Luke get closer towards them Luke said "Stay tight and low" He stares at them "This is it" But suddenly Wedge airspeeder got hit and Wedge said "Aah" The airspeeder goes down sparking Luke notice but keeps going the At-At's fire towards him a shot hit Luke while Hobbie arrives Luke said "Hobbie".

The controls spark making Luke cover his face "I've been hit" Luke's airspeeder crash into the snow next to the At-At hard unstrapping himself Luke push up the hatch and sees the other At-At walking towards him, so Luke turns in his seat to reach for something he push Dak's body and look saw the At-At getting closer.

Luke moves to get out and saw the At-At leg stomps Luke turns back and reach in just as the other leg is moving towards him and Luke grabs a cable launcher and moves out of the way for the At-At to stomp on the airspeeder while above the planet a three groups of Vultures leave a cruiser heading for the planet fast.

Meanwhile Han is walking around passing a couple of cables to a corner, but he stops covering himself due to a mini explosion a Rebel went pass and Han looks saw pieces of the ceiling collapse and a few more Rebels went pass Han walks forward passing two Rebels helping an injured Rebel while Han enters the wrecked command centre.

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