Luke vs Raven, Anakin vs Elites, Escaping

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Luke and Anakin are walking down a hallway R2 and R3 come from around a corner following them Luke and Anakin turn into another hallway while the guards are pushing Han's carbonite as Anakin makes Luke back up to the wall fast to hear footsteps just when Boba appears walking across Luke pull out his pistol he and Anakin look and saw Han's carbonite moving pass being pushed by guards.

Two Stormtroopers follow them behind looking to one another and back Luke and Anakin move towards the stairs, and they stop by the wall watching the Stormtroopers walk out of sight making Luke lower his blaster then R2 and R3 reach them beep and blip Anakin motion them to back up and they did they look back and was about to walk up the stairs.

But suddenly they saw Boba who fires at them making Anakin and Luke move out of the way as Boba fires at them hitting the wall while Leia hears the blaster fire looks back as R2 and R3 beep Luke look with Anakin to see Boba move R2 and R3 went close to them nudging them beeping and blipping making them place a hand on their heads while a Stormtrooper made Leia move and Lando glance to them then down at his wrist to press a few buttons on a device making a Lobot in a room open his eyes.

Luke and Anakin both move out of their spot up the stairs and went down the hallway looking around as Lando and the Officer leads the group forward, but the Officer looks to see shadows causing him to motion the Stormtroopers just as Luke and Anakin appear Lando sees them and the Stormtroopers fire making Luke take cover and Anakin activate his lightsaber.

Leia sees Luke and Anakin as the Officer pulls her Luke take cover and Anakin deflects a shot before hiding behind Luke avoiding another shot while Lando opens a door watching this before walking in Chewie growls and the Stormtroopers fire at them Leia calls "Luke, Anakin" The Officer force her to the door "Luke, Anakin, don't, it's a trap"

Luke and Anakin glance over towards her Leia struggling looking out the door "It's a trap" The Officer force her into the room with the Stormtrooper following them before firing one more shot at Luke and Anakin who both duck looking to one another looking to the door slowly they head towards the door Luke looks aiming his pistol before entering the room.

Before Anakin could enter the door closes Anakin said "Luke" He feels the door, but it could not open R2 and R3 beep behind Anakin heading to him Anakin turns to them "Let's go" Anakin, R2 and R3 both went in a different direction down a hallway keeping an eye out making another turn but then Anakin stops to see in the distance in front of him is Raven's Elites lightsaber activated.

R2 and R3 stop to see them they beep Anakin staring at them "R2, R3 go find Leia and Chewie" R2 beep and R3 blip they turn and went in another direction Anakin hold his lihgtsaber walking forward and stop staring at him Elite 1 said "So are you going to run like last time" Activating his lightsaber Anakin said "No, I think it's time we had our duel"

Slowly they look to one another before the Elites swing their lightsabers and Anakin clash all three at the same time smirking at them before they break while a hatch open to reveal Luke entering the carbonite chamber he walks forward looking around before the hatch closes making Luke look at it holding his pistol up before looking at it.

Raven POV

I stare at Luke who put his pistol away and the room light up breathing I said "The Force is with you, young Skywalker" Luke turns and saw me standing here I breathe "But you are not a Jedi like your father yet" I breathe, and Luke walks up the stairs towards me he stops holding a lightsaber we stare at each Luke activates his lightsaber and I activate mine.

Moving it I breathe holding forward as Luke stares he swings, and I block holding it up Luke swings again and I block it with one hand and force him to the ground I breathe and Luke aim his lightsaber slowly getting up he move forward and I move back breathing then Luke swings and we clash sabers a few time and stop down.

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