Palpatine vs Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, Order 66

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Axel POV

I run towards Windu who is talking to Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar walking I stop said "General Windu, I must speak with you" A gunship turns for launch as Windu turns said "Axel, we just received word that Obi Wan and Anakin has destroyed General Grievous" He walks with me "We're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate".

Shaking my head, I said "He won't give up his power" I look to Windu "I've just learned a terrible truth" We start to slow down "I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith lord" Windu looks to me he turns ask "A Sith lord" I nod said "Yes, the one we've been looking for" Windu ask "How do you know this" I said "He knows the ways of the Force".

I turns a bit but look back "He's been trained to use the dark side" Windu ask "Are you sure" I nod said "Absolutely" We stare at each other Windu said "Then our worst fears have been realised" He turns "We must move quickly if the Jedi order is to survive" He walks forward I follow said "General the chancellor is very powerful".

I looks forward "You'll need my help if you're going to arrest him" But Windu said "For your own good, stay out of this affair" He looks to me "I sense a great deal of confusion in you, Commander" Windu looks down "There is much fear that clouds your judgment" I stare at him I said "I must go, General" But Windu said "No".

He stops turning to me I turn to him "If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust" I watch Windu walk in front of me "But for now, remain here" I nod slightly "Wait in the council chambers until we return".

Windu moves to the Gunship that Fisto, Agen and Saesee are waiting Windu gets in and I said "Yes, General"The Gunship gets ready for take-off I watch the doors move and the Gunship flies into the air I walk forward moving my gaze and turn leaving the hanger while the Gunship heads to the senate.

I enter the council chambers put my helmet on the arm rest and sit down facing forward closing my hands I remember what Palpatine said "Axel, if I die you will lose this chance to become what you truly meant to be" I lower my gaze a bit taking a deep breath leaning back on the chair I turn my head I got up and walk to a window staring at the Senate I went back to my seat and sit down to wait.

Nighttime arrived I waited then I grab my helmet and leave the council chambers and run through the temple I reach a hanger where R3 is at he beeps to see me I said "Come on, R3" We went to a transport the hatch opens I jump in and R3 goes in his spot the hanger opens I press a few buttons and we leave the hanger heading for the senate.

3rd POV

Meanwhile at the senate the doors open to reveal Windu, Fisto, Agen and Saesee walking in Palpatine turn his chair to see them Palpatine said "Master Windu" Windu, Fisto, Agen and Saesee all stop at the top of the stairs "I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then" They stare at Palpatine "I must say you're here sooner than expected".

Windu grabs his lightsaber he said "In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic..." He activates his lightsaber as Fisto, Agen and Saesee grab their lightsabers activating them "'re under arrest, Chancellor" Palpatine ask "Are you threating me, Master Jedi" Windu just said "The Senate will decide your fate" Palpatine said "I am the senate" Windu said "Not yet".

Palpatine stands up and coming out of his sleeve is a lightsaber Palpatine said "It's treason then" Palpatine activates it to reveal a red saber he snarls jumps and spins into the air landing on top of the stairs Windu move his lightsaber as Palaptine aims and thrust stabbing Agen Kolar who screams then Palpatine turns and swings at Saesee who screams also falling both dead.

Palpatine swings at Fisto who blocks, and Windu moves around to swing at Palpatine with Fisto, but Palpatine blocks them at the same time Fisto turns and Windu moves but Palpatine swings at Fisto who screams killing him and turns to Windu who clash sabers with him a few times and Windu moves to the hallway.

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