Saw Gerrera, Tarkin, Jedha City

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3rd POV

In the hanger Rebel soldiers are talking to one another moving as Jyn and Cassian are entering the hanger carrying bags walking out of the temple heading to the U-Wing ship Cassian climbs in and Jyn slow her walk down then Cassian holds a crate a Voice call "Captain Andor" Cassian looks to see Davits in the distance walking over Cassian looks to Jyn and walks over to Davits as Jyn turns her head slowly looking in the ship to see K-2SO working.

He turns his head to Jyn who puts her bag down K-2SO said "I'm K-2SO" Jyn looks to him and lower her gaze "I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid" Jyn raise her head she said "I remember you" She looks down at her bag K-2SO said "I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha" Jyn raise her head nodding she said "Apparently so".

Jyn close her bag K-2SO said "That is a bad idea" He turns "I think so, and so does Cassian" Jyn looks back to K-2SO staring at him before turning towards Cassian and Davits talking "What do I know" Jyn turns back "My specialty is just strategic analysis" He taps on the keyboard while Davits said "Galen Erso is vital to the Empire's weapons program".

Cassian stares "Forget what you heard in there" Davits shake his head "There will be no extraction" He nods his head "You find him..." Cassian listens " kill him" Cassian turn his head lowering his gaze "Then and there" Cassian nods looking back at Davits and turns walking to the ship while Rebel Dispatcher said "Shuttle number LMTR-20".

Jyn puts her bags away "Prepare for take-off while we check your authorisation" She holds a pistol as Cassian climbs on he ask "You met K-2" K-2SO walks to the pilot seats Jyn said "Charming" She gets up holding her bag while Cassian puts on a jacket he said "He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits" Jyn puts her bag down and sits on a seat.

Cassian flips a couple of switches "It's a by-product of the reprogram" K-2SO turns his head he ask "Why does she get a blaster and I don't" Cassian looks to K-2SO who turns back, and Cassian looks to Jyn he ask "What" Jyn holds the blaster she said "I know how to use it" Cassian turns said "That's what I'm afraid of" He walks forward hold his hand out "Give it to me".

K-2SO turns to watch Jyn stare at Cassian for a moment she said "We're going to Jedha" Cassian lowers his hand "It's a war zone" But Cassian said "That's not the point" He looks around walking to Jyn "Where'd you get it" Jyn just said "I found it" K-2SO turn his head he said "I found that answer vague and unconvincing" Jyn stares she said "Trust goes both ways".

Cassian looks at her for a moment before turning around and heads to the cockpit and climbs into the pilot seat K-2SO looks to him he ask "You're letting her keep it" Cassian straps in "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you" Cassian flips a switch looking at K-2SO who slowly turns "It's high" Cassian looks at him again he said "Let's get going".

Cassian puts on a headphone and flips a switch above him as K-2SO said "It's very high" He raise clicking some buttons Cassian moving the mic while the door closes and Jyn leaning back looking towards them as the ship hovers into the air with Davits watching the wings open and the ship flies away Davits turn around and walks away on a tower a Rebel aims a device at the U-Wing following it as it leaves Yavin 4 the wings close and went into hyperspace.

Meanwhile a person is walking on robotic feet using a cane to balance on a metal path he said "Lies" In front of him is Bodhi still with the bag on his head looking around "Deceptions" The man walks forward and stops raise his arm "Let's see it" Benthic gives the man an identity looking at it "'Bodhi Rook, Cargo pilot'" Benthic looks down "Local boy, huh"?

Bodhi nods said "Uh-huh" Benthic said "This was fond in his boot when he was captured" He holds a rectangular device for the man to take Bodhi chuckles and raise his hands said "Okay, I can hear you" He turns as the man looks at the device "He didn't capture me" Staring at the device "I came here myself" Feeling the circuits "I defected".

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