Dagobah system, Han and Leia kiss

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Anakin and Luke have both reach the Degobah system and heading towards the planet Anakin said "There it is" R2 beeps and blip as Luke looks at it R3 beeps Luke said "Degobah" He looks forward "No, I'm not gonna change my mind about this" R2 beeps turning his head and Anakin said "We are not changing courses".

Looking at the radar Luke said "Father, I'm not picking up any cities or technology" He looks at the planet "Massive life-form readings, though" Staring at the planet for a moment Anakin said "It must be neutral then if there's not cities" Exhaling Luke said "There's something alive down there" He turn his head R3 beeps.

They begin to descend down to the planet "Yes, I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids" Flipping a few switches Anakin said "Here we go, Luke" They enter through the clouds and the ships shake making R3 and R2 both beep and blip looking around Luke said "I know, I know" He press a button "All scopes are dead" He press a button "I can't see a thing" He moves a bit "Just hang on".

Anakin calming close his eyes and trust the Force and move his ship R2 beeps as Luke reach above him "I'm gonna start the landing cycle" R3 beeps turning his head Anakin and Luke fly through branches for Luke he crash into the lake and Anakin said "Pull back on the engines R2" R2 begins to do that making the ship slow down and land on the ground next to the lake.

R3 whistles as creatures fly over R3 continues to whistle looking around Anakin said "Hang here, R2" R2 beeps and opens the hatch for Anakin to climb out and slowly look around he saw Luke opening his hatch taking his gloves off covering his face Anakin chuckles before walking to the edge while Luke threw the gloves down and reach above him and flip a switch.

Luke gets up R3 beep a few times watching Luke climb out and walk on the nose slowly R3 begins to ascend from his cockpit Luke looks around and R3 beep and blip making Luke look to him he said "No, R3, you stay put" He turn his head "I'll have a look around" Taking his helmet off then the ship moves making Luke balance himself and R3 shakes before going into the lake.

Anakin notice and watch Luke look back "R3" He moves back to the cockpit at the area R3 fell in "R3" He looks around the area "Where are you" He didn't get a respond "R3" Then popping out of the lake is R3's scope moving around R3 beeps making Luke sigh in relief and Anakin smiles "You be more careful" R3 beeps moving "R3, that way" Luke points in the direction.

R3 turns in the direction before moving forward as Luke puts his helmet in the cockpit and heads back to the nose and jumps into the lake and swims towards Anakin who waits for him as R3 moves around the lake, but little did he knew a creature was following him from behind while Luke reach the shore and sees Anakin's hand there Anakin ask "Need a hand"?

Luke takes it and gets out of the lake with Anakin helping Luke said "Thanks" Anakin said "If Obi Wan was here he would say 'Anakin did you crash your ship again'" Luke looks to Anakin who chuckles they look back to the lake just to see the creature attack R3 who lower his scope back under the water pulling out his blaster Luke yells "R3" He aims at the spot.

Anakin said "Come, Luke" Luke follows Anakin around the lake stopping to look at the spot then suddenly R3 is sent out of the lake screaming Luke and Anakin watch R3 lands somewhere they run and stop for a moment then R3 whistles catching Luke and Anakin's attention they run over to see R3 lying down "Luke said "Oh, no".

Luke and Anakin bend down to help R3 Anakin ask "Are you all right" R3 beeps Luke said "Come on" They lift R3 until he was standing Anakin said "You were very lucky to get out of there, my friend" Staring at him Luke ask "Anything broken" R3 beep and blip Luke and Anakin both look around "If you're saying coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you".

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