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Roshni is about to again slap that girl but someone held her hand
Sm:enough roshni  (stern voice)
Roshni look and found

Jannat (genuinely say who thought it is sid)

Jannat (genuinely say who thought it is sid)

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Jannat faisal sheikh

A cute and hot girl. A sweet and kind person but can be dangerous if someone harm her loved once. She is bold and sassy girl. She is married to faisal he is her proffecer .people in this collage everyones knew that. 2nd year .she is in sweet pink her gang  (guys do you remember sweet red i miss RTL) rival of sexy beast hate roshni mshr don't like bullying and ragging if she saw someone doing she will surly go to there and stop (more i don't remember)
So basically roshni  and her gang hate sweet pink they are rivals
Roshni's bff
Ritha and Lisa (hehe sorry if it's urs name)
They are Roshni's bff . A playgirl like roshni. In her gang rude and arrogant love to bully people's(more will be reviled in chapters coz i don't remember anything )
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(I will use rosh for roshni from today)Rosh:ohh helper is here  (smrik)Jan:what that girl did to you Rosh:that's none of your business(attitude way)Jannat got angry  Jan:oh yes it's my business then why the fuck u r beating this poor  (shouted)Ros...

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(I will use rosh for roshni from today)
Rosh:ohh helper is here  (smrik)
Jan:what that girl did to you
Rosh:that's none of your business(attitude way)
Jannat got angry 
Jan:oh yes it's my business then why the fuck u r beating this poor  (shouted)
Rosh:how dare you shout on me how dare you cross your limit on the "ROSHNI WALIAA"
Jan:like with my mouth and ohh your name is roshni waliaa i thought its elephant waliaa (in a sassy way)
Hearing this all feel like laughing But they controlled because they know roshni
Saying this she is about to slap jannat but someone held her hand
It is anushka  (no suspence)

(I will use rosh for roshni from today)Rosh:ohh helper is here  (smrik)Jan:what that girl did to you Rosh:that's none of your business(attitude way)Jannat got angry  Jan:oh yes it's my business then why the fuck u r beating this poor  (shouted)Ros...

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