62. End!

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Soon avneet went, anushka barged towards aleena who is standing there with a Suprifacial sympathy!!


Finally anushka did, what we all wanted, nushkii slammed her hands on aleena's face, while everyone is shocked!!

Aleena was so flabbergasted to do anything, As everything was fast, while anushka her face is contorted with rage!!

"You fucking piece of shit, Just because of you, I repeat just because of you, my neet is now crying, you bitch today I wouldn't leave you" Yelled anushka with a sullen face!!

Tears roll down on aleena's face, for the first time in this day, it was not fake
"You can stop your that fucking act, you fucking piece of slu-" Enough anushka,watch your mouth befor-before siddharth could speak anything nushkii cutted him "Or else what will you do, huh And Sir should your business instead of mine" She snapped yo him, Emphasisng the word sir!!

Ok yeah, talking to you, you know what sir? Huh, that you are fuffi-her voice came out more like muffle when jannat slammed her palm on nushkii mouth, to prevent her shut!!!

Then she dragged her to another class!!

Next day

Avneet and siddharth still didn't talked to each other, After that incident, nor siddharth Or avneet tried!!

Today again as usual ignoring each other like they didn't even exit in this world
But today siddharth promised himself he will sort out things!!

It was evening, the weather seems like cloudy, she grabbed all the dress which she put to dry And started walking!!

She saw siddharth coming in her way, but she ignored him and he tried to talk she purposely pretend that she didn't heard And started folding those dress!!!



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Getting frustrated by her stubborn behavior, he held her arm And pinned her to the nearby wall!!

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Getting frustrated by her stubborn behavior, he held her arm And pinned her to the nearby wall!!

"Siddharth leave me"said avneet while looking everywhere, but not him, this made him more vexed!!

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