30. irritated!!

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So after that Tanya said
Tanya:so now everyone is here so let's discuss about the group

Tanya:so first of all we all are dicided to 3 three groups as because we have three teachers
All nooded

Tanya:so first group have faisal sir with him jannat and anushka with shalini madam have rits and liza and about last siddharth sir with roshni and avneet i hope you all are clear

Hearing this Roshni is not happy because she want siddharth with her alone not with any other members so roshni said
Rosh:hey i and siddarth sir will do things alone there is no needed of avneet (fake sweetly)

Hearing this sid is about to speak but rits said making roshni insult!!

Rits:hehe dear Roshni for your kind information we are here taking for stage anchoring not for staring siddharth sir
She said in an suger coated voice along with a victory smile roshni felt like insulted!!

Rosh:hey how dare you
Cutted by anushka

Anu:like with her mouth

Jann:yaa obviously people talk with their mouth roshni!!don't you know oh maybe you talk with your low class attitude but we are not
Said jannat in an sassy way hearing all this everyone laughed silently along with siddarth to!!

Roshni is feeling like she got insulated that to front of her "hot proffecer"

Rosh:i will not leave you guys
She said pointing her fingers towards sweet pink

Avu:ohh god we are not lesbian we are not your type eww i didn't even had my first kiss ohh rabba ohh rabba
She stated dramatically while covering herself hearing this everyone burst out laughing .roshni stomped her foot and went from there along with her group sexy beast!!

Then jannat said
Jaan:avneet you didn't even had your first kiss huh (shocked)


Anu:ohh i guess she is taking that for her future husband

Rits:i'm 100%avneet is going to marry!! whoever it is??but he will be so lucky like he literally got a innocent and fresh

Faizu:ahm ahm we are also here girls Atleast we are your teacher!!
He said in a duh tone hearing this avneet understand she just exposed the truth front of husband and whatever said Rits is none other he is standing here only!!thinking all this her cheek burned!!!

Then after sometime now avneet is working on the anchor and writing their names!!not only she others also in their works but here avneet is really getting frustrated by this because siddarth is busy in his phone and roshni is ogling him this two are not even helping her!!

Avu pov
Wth!!here I'm writing plus anchoring too!!but this ginger cat is busy in his phone no i should say his girlfriend like seriously how much time he is in his phone and about elephant she is not even caring or doing her work now im tired like hell!!
Pov ends

Thinking all this Then she saw a boy is coming she called him!!

Avu:rudra (random boy)

Rudra:hey avni
He said in a flirt way but she didn't mind that

Avu:avni huh??(confused)

Rudra:yupp avni i will call you that do you have any problem huh??

Avu:not at all you can anything
But got cutted by siddharth

Sid:no she have a normal name call her that
He said in his cold voice making rudra confused and scared!!

Rudra:ok avneet then avneet!! but why u called me??

Avu:can you please help me

Rudra:sure why not

Then he started helping her they are talking and laughing along with doing their work to but now seeing this siddharth can't considerate on his work!! So finally he lost his patience


Rudra:yes sir

Sid:which stage is your charge

Rudra:i have singing section sir

Sid:then why are u staying go and do your work
He said in a irritated tone!!

Rudra:but sir now im helping avneet

Sid:i will help her you go and do your work!!

Then rudra went from there .now avneet is happy because her job decreased now she just want to do anchor siddharth and roshni will write names!!

After some time avneet become tired so she is hella hungry so she thought to go canteen

After some time avneet become tired so she is hella hungry so she thought to go canteen

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Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next So guy's i tried to give you small big chappy today!!And changed the cover and banners how is it!!???Don't you think guys mr nigam is being a little jello!!If you like my chapter then pls vote and co...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
So guy's i tried to give you small big chappy today!!
And changed the cover and banners how is it!!???
Don't you think guys mr nigam is being a little jello!!
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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