26. embarrassed!!

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Next day
So basically today is Sunday means no college it's time is 10.00am still our kumbakarni didn't wake up yet!!
As because she is in the hangover of yesterday
Then someone splashed water on her
Rits:sorry avu but u r not waking that's why
Avu:ahh my head
She said while putting her hand on head
Anu:avu are you coming today for shopping or not??
Avneet nooded her head in no
Anu:ok then we r leaving there is a lemonade u will feel after drinking that
Saying this rithika and anu went from there
Then avneet suddenly get from the bed in a jump and run's to mirror
When she saw she is shocked like hell!!
Avu pov
Wth!its means its not dream i mean what the fuck its not a fucking dream i thought its dream but this hickey its means its not what happened there

Then she started remembering whatever happened there her face became red!!

Omg now how will i face that ginger man!!like how could he do this??
Sm:what's wrong dear he is your husband
Huh??who are you
Sm:i'm you only
Me??what do u meant
Sm:uff dumb I'm your subconscious mind
Ohh!!yes you are right he is my husband but like wtfff
Pov ends

With siddarth
He is sleeping on the couch on his yesterday attire!!he didn't even changed his ootd because of heavy drinks
Then he slowly opened his eyes he is feeling so heavy to open his eye but still opened them again closed because of heavy headache!!
But suddenly he opens his eyes with a shot!!now his every headache gone
Sid pov
Wtff!!what happened yesterday hmm i can't remember anything wait yesterday i went to club and there i saw crazy cat is dancing with a moron
Yaa he is a fucking prevert i saw him dancing with my wife
Sm:my wife
Ahh.mmm i mean yeah my wife or what is she is your wife huh??
Sm:yeah dude she is my wife
Sm:for yoyr kind info I'm only u
Ohh yeah i forget then i grabbed a drink i drink that!!!but but its a fucking strong drink i accidentally its changed then omg i pinned her my god i just made a hickey on her!!damn fuckkkkk
Sm:dude we can say its a love bite!!too
Yaa that's it!!wth noo its not
Sm:hey tell me how is her taste
God!!its so fucking suger candy taste wait what ewww when the siddharth nigam started saying about girls!!
Ohh no now how i looks her face
Sm:with your eyes of course *rolling his eyes*
You just get out mother fucker!!!
Pov ends
Then like this they two started thinking how will they face each other tomorrow. They all are feeling so embarrassed each other but can't do anything past is past
Next day
Avneet she success fully hide her hickey or i should say love bite with her make up. So no one noticed her for luck!!

She is sitting there on canteen scared or i should say hiding from her own husband

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She is sitting there on canteen scared or i should say hiding from her own husband

And about siddharth he is also didn't saw her from morning!!but he want to see her because just to see the mark!!which he marked to his wife!!

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And about siddharth he is also didn't saw her from morning!!but he want to see her because just to see the mark!!which he marked to his wife!!

Now in canteen
Avneet is chit chating with her friends but suddenly she saw siddharth coming .she stand up from her seat and started to going somewhere!!
But she got bumped with someone
And the someone is

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next Who is that sm??guess Hmm i have to tell you something important Now i have disease named IPT i mean inflammatory psedo tumour So I'm searching best doctor for this So i don't know i can't able to up...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Who is that sm??guess
Hmm i have to tell you something important
Now i have disease named IPT i mean inflammatory psedo tumour
So I'm searching best doctor for this
So i don't know i can't able to update daily but will try for sure!!
And pray for me guys
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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