58. cuddle!!

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After 1 week!!

A blissful week passed now some patterns of some people altered!!!
He became a addiction to her and she become a obsession to him!!

Now they can't even vamoose now even for a period .after every periods they want to see each other!!

Sweet pink always pester her saying about her arrogant husband
She blush to hearing his this name!!

Everytime siddharth make sure that his wife had eaten her lunch everyone in their collage couples and some single students/teachers feel jealous of avneet!!

Talking about students the important person is roshni she even cry for hours some time author also feel bad!!

Talking about our beloved couple they always sleep cuddle or maybe be very intimately!!!

The bright looking milky clouds got up from the sleep and started travelling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment!!

The day downed crisp and clear ,another day had dawned bringing some bad or good things or maybe new hopes and aspirations!!

A couple were sleeping snug while cuddling each other and then the sun poured their window disturbing their beautiful sleep!!

Alarm beeped making each other growl and siddarth snuggled more in to avneet neck!!

Then something clicked his mind that when he look at side of the window he understand it's fucking late for him!!

He always wake up on 4.00 am but today because of his soft new teddy he is becoming late now!!
Moreover today he have test in college so he have to prepare question's!!!

Then he slowly slided from the blanket and with baby steps he slipped from the bed and make sure that he didn't troubled his beloved sleep!!!

Then he went to brush his after doing his morning chores today there is no time but still he went to gym for a 10 minutes quick workout!!

After that he started preparing questions for test and now it's 7:30 am and they have to departure on 8.15 am!!

So siddharth went to avneet and started poking her to wakes up but she is avneet nigam the slothful ass!!

"Let me sleep" said avneet with a drowzy "sleepyhead" muttered siddharth with a hushed tone!!

Then he went to take a bath and after a soaking he lapped a towel around his waist and came back to see hos beloved wife is still catnapping under the blanket

He went to her and started awaking her she is slowly open her eyes and got lost in the sight!!

Promptly she felt herself in someone arm she knew who its is!!
"Stop ogling me babe,you can stare as much you want in night"  in an husky voice on his sexy throat!!

Her cheek heated she felt herself embarrassed, blood rushed to her cheek making unknown blush on her face he chuckled seeing his wife, but our juliet felt it's a sexy chuckle!!!

Then after taking her to the bathroom siddharth came and started getting ready!!

he worn a black printed shirt with a white shade flower and also a black pants
He combed his hair and wore his watch!!

Then he went to dining hall and  started packing his bag and after couple of minutes avneet came wearing a white and black mix loose half sleeve t shirt and a black loose pants while her hair she just untied hr hair!!

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Then he went to dining hall and  started packing his bag and after couple of minutes avneet came wearing a white and black mix loose half sleeve t shirt and a black loose pants while her hair she just untied hr hair!!

Siddharth as usal got lost in her and he came to her and tied her hair like a bun!!

Sid: prefect now you look more bosy wahh
Said her personal fashion master with a chuffed grin on his face!!

Sid: prefect now you look more bosy wahhSaid her personal fashion master with a chuffed grin on his face!!

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Then avneet akso took her bag ,siddharth locked his apartment opps sorry correction their  apartment

In college
Finally they reached their collage and usal things girls started staring our kiddo's husband and boys started taking secret glance of her!!

Thats for today chappy Sorry yesterday i was busy as i was actually now started writing my other books Poor roshni,i feel bad for her shouldi make it good *evil grin*Sorry for this boring chappy!!If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment By...

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Thats for today chappy
Sorry yesterday i was busy as i was actually now started writing my other books
Poor roshni,i feel bad for her shouldi make it good *evil grin*
Sorry for this boring chappy!!
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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