27. is this dream?

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So basically avneet saw siddharth coming from the entrance so she thought to escape she stand up and took her bags then was about to leave but bumped into someone but before she could fall that sm held her by waist. She is waiting to touch the floor  but she didn't felt anything .she open her eyes And saw she got a huge shock  her eye widen  and  the sm is

kajalsinghania you are right
Its the one and only siddarth nigam
And actually siddharth is walking to the entrance but he is coming to canteen so avneet is trying to go where siddharth coming so she got bumped into siddharth only
And siddharth
He got lost in her face he started admiring her face her chocolaty brown gaze which is siddharth felt like to drawn forever in that and her chubby nose and pinkish blushy cheek but the most important thing her lips those strawberry pinkish lip!!
And about avneet
She also got lost in that hazel pool but then his eye fell on her neck but unfortunately he can't find anything he started finding that on her neck!!
But they didn't realised the thing whole canteen is enjoying the view front of them like they are seeing an amazing collage love story!!
With sweet pink

kajalsinghania you are right Its the one and only siddarth nigam And actually siddharth is walking to the entrance but he is coming to canteen so avneet is trying to go where siddharth coming so she got bumped into siddharth only And siddharthHe g...

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They are also adoring the cute sceneries then rits said Rits:i swear they are looking so cute together Jaan:i agree omg i didn't even know the fact!! they can look so much good together Anu:if they date then am 100% sure the  couple tag you guys i...

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They are also adoring the cute sceneries then rits said
Rits:i swear they are looking so cute together
Jaan:i agree omg i didn't even know the fact!! they can look so much good together
Anu:if they date then am 100% sure the  couple tag you guys i mean faizu and u it will goes to them like so fucking good together oww
Like they are adoring and admiring them without even blinking their eyes!!
Roshni and some other girls who have a crush on siddharth is fuming in jealousy!!
Then after sometime they heard a fake caught coming back to the reality
Then they stand properly and avneet run from there
Then sid started walking back to his cabin
Sid pov
What!!its means its a dream huh??but i don't think am do sure it is going to  dream but i checked her whole neck but i didn't saw anything like maybe it's my imagination or dream wait when i started dreaming about her that to like that
Pov ends
Like this he is confused with his own thoughts he is not believing that its a simple dream but on the other hand he is thinking maybe its just an illusion or anything but suddenly his eye fell on something or someone
A girl is doing make up in her class room like siddharth saw a big hickey on her neck but the girl is hiding that with her make up products siddharth got a huge shock
Sid pov
Uff this girls is so clever like how that big hickey she hide with a small chemical products wait so crazy cat can also hide i mean so i have to check that
Pov ends
Then he again went back to canteen and saw avneet is sitting with her group
Avneet got a huge shock she turned and saw siddharth there she understood why he called her!! Sweet pink all stand up because siddarth is their proffecer so they have to respect him!
Avu:yes sir
Sid:in my cabin after college
Avu:but why
Siddharth glared her
Avu:okkk (scared)

They are also adoring the cute sceneries then rits said Rits:i swear they are looking so cute together Jaan:i agree omg i didn't even know the fact!! they can look so much good together Anu:if they date then am 100% sure the  couple tag you guys i...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Like now why siddharth called her!!huh??any guess
So how is today chappy!!
I Forgot to say i tried something new i mean characterascetic!!
Please check that and tell me how is it??
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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