65. handsome!!

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"Am I not handsome" He sudden question made her muddled, "pardon Sir"she said while with a nervous smile!!

He Signed, licking his inner lips making that poor girls kernal stir, " I asked you that am I not handsome"he frequent again the same word,
Illogical and abnormal thoughts formed in her mind!!

His lips stretched in confession as the girl in front of him looking up and blushing like a teenager who got proposal from her crush!!

Fuck, that hit him, realization hit him, he were probably asking himself to a student, a fucking girl student, she must have thought he loves her or had crush!!

He internally cursed in his mind for this stupidity, now he want to elude from here without getting awkward situation, suddenly a idea formed in his mind!!

"You are-she got cutted by his manly voice, " I was just testing you" He paused looking at the poor who's face is not less than a chicken, he danced successful in his mind, then continued "seems like, failed aren't we? " He asked in playful manner making that girl eyes wide like bouncing balls!!

"Never repeat this ok, you can go" Soon he said, she runs from as like her whole depend on it, even though he is the one who did all these drama, but he is gonna never admit that!!

Soon she disappeared, he signed in reassurance, he rolled his eye at the girl's canny brain, Note the sarcasm, then his eye turned towards his wrist!!

He went from there running like a jet as the bell had already rang, note before giving a last glance to his beloved wife!!

Soon he went, just like that her smile also replaced with irritation scowl, while with her both hands on her waist, glaring his that way, Cute!!

Avneet stride toward her friends, who is sitting there in a cafe, drinking coffee, she pulled the pallus hem and draped on her waist while pinning it!!

She then settled in chair besides them, then she saw still some perverts were ogling her, she showed them her middle while mouthing "Fuck you", her friends and along with a boys got sudden appalling

" What the hell, seriously now I have a legit doubt is it really avneet Or any other doppelganger, "exclaimed jann while looking at the angry cat, avneet rolled her eyes at her friends words!!

" Did you just rolled your eyes on me"she said dramatically, "No I rolled my tongue on you" She gave a sarky reply to her in return, jannath eye widen at her comment, her cheek turned pink shade, wherever anuneet gave muddled look to each other, suddenly both realised the double meaning behind it!!

"Hey.. No... No, I didn't meant that, you besharam(shameless)" She gave a look to jannat "Are you for real bitch" With her pinky cheek!!


"Fuck, we didn't realised, but i guess the bell had already rang"neet suddenly just casually give a glance to the clock, but her widen as its been 15 minutes, the bell indicated!!

All standup abruptly, then took their belongings and run from there, while avneet is actually struggling to run with her this saree!!

"God, I don't know how this actress able to run when their husband where chasing in Tv serials Or movies, any fuck" She thought in her mind while running, suddenly a idea popped in her mind, she smirked internally!!

Siddharth were writing equations on boards, while students were copying on to their notes, since its their first class, All were giving attention to his class!!

"May I come in Sir"heard a familiar melodies voice, which give a relief to our sir's heart, siddharth turned towards her, but he didn't looked her, he just takes a random notes and started reading or I should say pretending!!

" Come in"he said as usual his rude tone, she went to pass him "you are late Ms; kaur"he said in his professional tone, while stopped there on her spot, " Sir, its Mrs Nigam, my hubby Wouldn't like when someone call me Ms kaur " She said with a coquettish smile, while giving a wink to him, while his and other students eyes widen by her reply,since she is back facing others, they can't see her expression!!!

Her those smiles is effecting him so much, his eyes travelled to her, checking her down, he saw her those slim and milky white belly, her eyes fell on his eye direction, adding fuel to the fire, she put aside her Sare pallu, giving a full and proper view of her navel, his pupil turned dark  with lust And desire!

Her those smiles is effecting him so much, his eyes travelled to her, checking her down, he saw her those slim and milky white belly, her eyes fell on his eye direction, adding fuel to the fire, she put aside her Sare pallu, giving a full and prop...

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Then she turned back, his breath stopped at the sight, her saree blouse is so small, like a backless crop top, those sexy back something which he wanna mark there,he fucking understand that she is fucking seducing him,he imagined her in under him, under his mercy,the thought only made him arouse!!

Then she turned back, his breath stopped at the sight, her saree blouse is so small, like a backless crop top, those sexy back something which he wanna mark there,he fucking understand that she is fucking seducing him,he imagined her in under him,...

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"Siddharth calm down, once you get her in alone, you can teach her a perfect lesson, Mrs Nigam, wait baby, I give you reward for this seducing torture"he smirked internally in his mind!!

"Siddharth calm down, once you get her in alone, you can teach her a perfect lesson, Mrs Nigam, wait baby, I give you reward for this seducing torture"he smirked internally in his mind!!

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That's for today
I'm sorry, chapter will be delay as my exam is gonna start soon!!
Romance is coming soon, Dark🖤

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