81. being his

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Before reading this chappy, a warning its contain highly mature content, maybe straight forward its contain sex!
I'm very suck at this this content!
Words: 2600

Siddharth parked his vehicle and went inside not knowing what his beautiful wife had planned him tonight, he actually went to wedding reception party of his friend and he had told her multiple times to come but she didn't as we all the reason to.siddharth open the door with a spare key as he had already told her he will be late and suggested her to sleep, but he don't know that today the word is absent in her dictionary or maybe little did he know that!

He opened it and went inside and the whole hall was dark as he thought she must be asleep and a little tightness engrossed in his heart as even thought he was the one who suggested her to sleep but deep in his heart, he don't want as its his birthday, so he wanna listen her cute talks and fall asleep on her lap while her massaging his head, he shrugged those thoughts and marched his way towards their room but abruptly stopped his way as he saw some dim yellow light flashing in the room, he slowly took step towards the room and opened it as the crack sound of the door opening was the only sound in the room soon, he heard very ragging breathe of someone and his fell on her as his leg automatically stopped moving, he frozen on his spot looking the absara in front of him!!

There she, in a silky glitter party wear Black saree with a black sleevless blouse, with deep neck, the pallu arranged in such way that her whole milky waist was bare visible to him, she didn't much make up just a kajol and lip gloss, also on the cherry on the top a black bindi, looking like a alluring women she is!

Her outfit and ignore the necklace!

He gulped his saliva while staring her as she looked down feeling his instant gaze on her, he is not even blinking his eyes as he don't want to miss a minute moment happening there, "avneet" His voice came out Merely like a whisper, she closed her...

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He gulped his saliva while staring her as she looked down feeling his instant gaze on her, he is not even blinking his eyes as he don't want to miss a minute moment happening there, "avneet" His voice came out Merely like a whisper, she closed her feeling so shy but she remembered she should be bold, she wanna show herself bold today, she open her with a determination, she walked towards him swaying her hips, her seductive orbs ogling as she bites her lips earning throat full growl from him, he watched his beloved walking towards him like a hook girl,even thought ac is on but he started sweating as he opened the first two button of his shirt,she walked towards him and hanged her arms around his neck going close to him and he is losing himself seeing her close as those kissable lips of her is inviting him to destroy, he slided his arms around and her, held her tightly and lifted her swiped her and pinned her to the nearby cupboard with a speed of light, her all boldness and confident drained as now she was under his mercy,suddenly she felt hot by his presence, his one hands were supporting the cupboard and others were still in her waist, he had rolled his sleeve and first two button of his shirts opened revealing his toned chest, she licked her lips as she felt dry. His eyes followed her every action as she saw his those hazel pool getting dark because of his lust.

"Babe, that's my job. You know" He adviced her in husky voice sending shivers down on her as she clenched her thighs together and he noticed that, alas. Finally he lost his control and slammed his soft plum lips on her strawberry rim.

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