66. siddharthhh

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This is the look of their in this ff, Especially hair!!

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This is the look of their in this ff,
Especially hair!!

Avneet were going to her next class, those pathways were empty, as she just went to washroom to secure her saree, as those pins were getting loose making her regret decision to wore a saree!!

Swiftly a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her to the empty class, this all happened in an minute seconds, she didn't even get time to assimilate anything, anxious waved on her making her recollect those horrible nightmare!

"Its me, Don't panic" Came a cold and familiar voice, her muscle relaxed, she signed, but her eyelet sharp opened only to get stunned,when she saw her husband standing closely with a inscrutable expression, his hot breathe were fanning on her face making her shiver!!

"What you need? " She asked, her voice itself show that she is getting jittery, he ignored her totally when to the exit, she signed in relief, but she don't know that it must be her last relief breath in today, he went to there locked the empty class,she And him now alone in a class, her face horrified thinking about the possibility!!

"You know what my doll, till this day from my fucking birth, I hadn't got this much stress and anxious, that i got you from this past week"he spoke in his captivating voice, while stepping towards her with rolling his sleeves,his rolled his sleeve till his elbow revealing his veiny hands, his muscle got more stimulated, which made him more hot!!

He is now just inch away from her, she started moving backwards, her those nervous and lusty chocolate orbs meet his amorous Hazel pool, the atmosphere got more tough anymore hot, his foot steps increased and her heels clicked more fastly, but their eye contact didn't got broken, his eyes exposed his lust for her, his passion to gain her, his indignation for her to avoid him, his proprietorial for her!!

Her orbs showed her ardour for him, her regard for him, even if he didn't, her extreme amour for him, which she herself didn't realised, her heels stopped when she aware that now there is no space for her, she is basically pinned to the wall by him as he were so close to her, their breath were mingling with each other, his hand slowly went to her gorgeous face, he held her jaw which is looking so perfect!!

He face got more close to her, fucking finally, he captured her honeyed lips, his muscle relaxed likely finally he got what he wanted from this much days,those kiss were like a passionate one, but soon its became dominant, he smooched her lips and...

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He face got more close to her, fucking finally, he captured her honeyed lips, his muscle relaxed likely finally he got what he wanted from this much days,those kiss were like a passionate one, but soon its became dominant, he smooched her lips and licked her lips, asking for permission, but she being she denied his polite request, he growled in frustration, his rough grabbed her ass and squeezed them tight, she gasped between the kiss, he took the opportunity and entered in her mouth, while their tongue Swirled with each other slowly, which made both their hormone gone crazy, but he don't like her to be dominant, he is dominant one, so he held her tongue by his lips and smooched her more, while his cold hand went to her bare waist, both got a new feeling, his hand travelled up to her soft skin, his fingers made her knee weak, his hand slowly reached to her boobs, he squeezed it hard with the blouse, she moaned in pain between the kiss, then he slowly rubbed her there, making her go in ninth cloud!!!

He broked the kiss due to the oxygen, but he can't get enough of her, he slammed his lips on her jaw, giving wet kisses there, a shaky breathe escaped her mouth, he understand its her sweet spot, he bite there hard making her scream, but she somewhat bited her lip to prevent the scream, while he yanked her saree down and started rubbing her breast, which made her nipple erect, he nibbled his lips in her sweet spot, his hand slowly reached to the blouse strap, he opened the first two straps, he stopped kissing her and stared her, her lip stick were smudged, her saree is also not seem good, blouse hanging on the shoulder, she just look like hot mess now, he closed his in frustration, as he feel friction between his legs, "fuck Godnees" He said while again slamming his lips on her, he take her to the passionate hunger kiss, she felt his hardness poking her, she grinded her hips on him, making him groan, she continued grind on him and he grabbed her in fist, he Inhealed a breath sharply, she let out a moaned, when both their hips touched, his hardness touched her wetness, their hot make sensation got paused, when they heard the bell rang!!

He broked the kiss due to the oxygen, but he can't get enough of her, he slammed his lips on her jaw, giving wet kisses there, a shaky breathe escaped her mouth, he understand its her sweet spot, he bite there hard making her scream, but she somew...

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Thats for today, I'm sorry for late update
But now I have no Time!!

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