80. her gifts!

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Little mature content, if you feel uncomfortable feel free to skip!!

He smirked seeing her lost in her thoughts while her face is having rase with the tomato, he understand that she was remembering that night, "remembering something babygirl"his husky voice made the hair on her stand up as he licked her earlobe sensually sending shivers on her south region.

His grip on her tighten as she struggled with get out from his arms and his other hands traced her jaw, she closed her eyes feeling the pleasure behind it and he saw it smirked seeing his effect on her. He leaned towards her and placed on kiss on her jaw as her breath fasten as he continued placing wet kisses on her neckline, she held his shirt tightly in her fist while he threw her dupatta some where and pulled her more close closing every fucking possible gap between them as her breast pressed against his chest, he slammed his lips on her taking her into a hungry kiss as he bit her lips making her groan between the kiss!!

He have a chance to enter into her mouth but he didn't as he wanna be more dominant, he other hand travelled from her waist to her ass and squeezed them hard earning big gasp from her and he smirked contented with her response and entered into her mouth and tasted every corner of her mouth as their tongue swirled in same rhythm and his hand pressed her clothed boobs, she let out a moan but its got muffled between the kiss as she pinched his shoulder indicating that she is breathless, he broke the kiss and before she could breath again, he slammed his face on her neck pampering wet kisses on her jaw, she caressed his hair sensually enjoying the pleasure she is receiving!!

Mature content end!

But suddenly she recollected about the food as she pushed him with jerk and alas! His ass dropped on the floor and he jerked his head in both direction just reversing everything, she bites her tongue trying to control the laugh as she know if she laugh, he is not gonna spare her, "what the fuck lady" Cussed siddharth with clearly frustrating face and she goes to him and held him helped him to stand from the floor and said, "I'm sorry, siddharth. First you need to eat food then we can continue" She apologized with soft smile melting his anger, "no needed babe, I'm not in mood and moreover I don't wanna be like, I forced you" Hearing his words she understand that he must have misunderstand her as he thought that she don't intimacy and he must be insisting her, "siddharth, I'm even comfortable to be nude with you but now eat this" She dragged him while saying this while a, small smile played on his lips hearing her words!

Then she made him settle on the chair and started adding everything on his plate while scolding him for always eating diet food, he admired her without even saying anything nor listening as he was engrossed in his work, promptly she stopped as she realised he hadn't started eating that mean, she was just blabbering like a mad women thinking about it her blood boiled and dump! She gave a smack on his head snapping him out from his thoughts and world, "where are you lost,huh" She taunted him and he gave her monkey smile like this they both started eating pulling each other's leg!!

After eating, she washed the dishes and he cleaned the table and went to their room, "siddharthhhh" She sang his name, "what" He asked while unbuttoning his shirt, "you know what, I've something for you"saying this she ran to the nearest room and come back in the same speed with lot of boxes in her hand while he raised his eyes brows questioning her, " First of all. come and sit here"she dragged him by his arms and made him sit on the bed while she besides him and she gave him a small box wrapped around gift voucher,he opened it with real enthusiasm and his widen seeing the gift as its rolex watch, its a, luxurious one and he knew it must have costed lakh's!!

His watch!

His watch!

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"OMG. Avneet this is to much dear, it must have costed a big amount" He asked while the smile on her face disappeared and replaced it with a scowl as she stand up from the bed was about to leave but he held her and pulled her towards him causing her to fall on his lap, "babe" He called her while trying to touch her cheek but she jerked his hand away. "What? Huh, don't baby me. Ok!, and if you don't like it just say it"she snapped while trying to remove the grip on her waist as he frowned at her action and tighten the grip around her, " Who told you,I don't like it, I love it but this is very expensive" he made her understand and she listen him carefully, "Really" She confirmed and he nodded while giving a peck to her cheek, "nothing is expensive, ok" She told and he nodded, she made him wear the watch, "OMG, this look so good on you" She chirped happily while he smiled looking her!!

"So next gift" She said while passing him another hamper as he signed because he know that she will not listen even if speak to her so he quietly started opening the gift, it was hamper inside some chocolate. A wallet, perfume and male shirt!!

"Thank you my love for this" He said and gave peck to her and added, "actually I'm going outside ok, will be back soon" He said went from there!!

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"Thank you my love for this" He said and gave peck to her and added, "actually I'm going outside ok, will be back soon" He said went from there!!

Avneet Nigam
God!Now its time for my plan but I'm nervous, damn. I felt like today is my marriage, "fuck you, why are you being so nervous, its not like you guys hadn't intimate yet"my subconscious mind mocked me, bro who are gonna tell her, its not that, I'm fucking gonna have sex with my husband!!

Ok avneet, calm down, baby calm down, girl, this your body e put my heart for lock down"fuck it, seriously is this a time for song, I guess I'm getting mad.uff finally I arranged I don't know, siddharth reaction will be but I'm super duper love with this, just a, lit bit of rose and dim light, prefect for romance and cherry on the top, a, alluring perfume, God this is so fucking tempting!!

The bedroom!! 🌚

I washed my body with siddharth favorite body wash, I smell like a delicious meet now!! God, I can't wait for his reaction, my hubby, how you are gonna survive now babe!!

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I washed my body with siddharth favorite body wash, I smell like a delicious meet now!!
God, I can't wait for his reaction, my hubby, how you are gonna survive now babe!!

Word count:1153God, more than them, I'm nervous, you must have understood by the last line Sorry for the late chappy!!! For those who message me in my dm, I'm sorry i was bussy nowdays, that's why not replying!! Bye

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Word count:1153
God, more than them, I'm nervous, you must have understood by the last line
Sorry for the late chappy!!!
For those who message me in my dm, I'm sorry i was bussy nowdays, that's why not replying!!
Bye.. 💞🙈

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