45. broke down!!

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Sidneet is in bullet then finally they reached college

Soon they reached in the college entrance everyone is staring them because now some people don't know about sidneet being husband and wife!!!

And sweet pink is also came and they all are adoring and admiring them and some's are jealous

Avneet is feeling shy as everyone is looking them but our siddharth being siddharth

Don't give any shit about others and they reached the parking section he parked his bike!!!

Then avneet was about to go but siddharth stopped her


She turned towards him and asked what happened?

Sid:if your class is over,then message me ok!!!
He said sweetly while taking his bag

Avneet nooded and went and soon she stepped the college  everyone is acting normal

But avneet thought that everyone will tease and but nothing happened then she started searching her friend!!!

Then bell rang so she didn't found her friends so she went to class and saw her friends is there

But they ignored her and after bell rang and they all was about to go but avneet hugged rits tightly

Rits is about to broke the hug but she feel something wet on her shoulder and she confused but she understood that

Avneet is crying and she signalled to anu and jaan!!

Avneet is crying and she signalled to anu and jaan!!

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No matter how much we hide our emotions but still front of our friends that we are open we will share everything with them!!

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No matter how much we hide our emotions but still front of our friends that we are open we will share everything with them!!

Rits:baby calm down
She said worried seeing avneet condition

Then they all went to avneet and hugged her like group!!

Avu:if siddharth didn't come what they
She said while sobbing.no matter but still its a dignity!!!

Then siddharth is passing in there when he saw avneet he got worried!!

Sid:what happened to her,why she is crying?
He said while coming to her

Anu:sir we don't know but i think it's that incident
She said while gritting her teeth in last part as she have a urge to kill that Alex who is reason for her best friend condition!!

Hearing this siddharth closed his eye in anger and in his mind now he is gonna kill that alex 100000 times!!!

Then siddharth goes to her and held her take her in his embrace and anu gestured them to leave alone!!

They went out and siddarth Rubbed her back to calm her and she is sobbing continually!!

Sid:avneet,calm down
He said while trying to calm her!!

Avu:if you didn't come there right time,i can't even imagine what will happen
She broke down on his arm and he don't know but his heart ached seeing her like this!!

Roshni is passing through there she saw them,her blood boiled sge have a mixed expression like sad and angry and most important thing jealousy!!

Roshni is passing through there she saw them,her blood boiled sge have a mixed expression like sad and angry and most important thing jealousy!!

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Roshni pov
Fuck!! Just kill me but i don't want that bitch to near my boy near nut now she is his fucking wife!!!

No I'm gonna kill everyone wait and watch avneet,i will snatch your dear husband from you!!!

Pov ends

Then she went from there and  after sometime avneet  calmed herself then she is feeling so hungry now!!

Sid:come let's go to canteen

Then they went to canteen and ordered food then she also saw sweet pink

Then they ordered their food and after sometime their order came and then avneet started munching her Burger

She is eating like a small babies who spread food while eating everywhere on face!!

"Such a clumsy girl opps sorry cute clumsy cat!!" he murmed while looking her opps sorry admiring her not realising where they are!!

Sweet pink saw this and understand something is cooking then after food avneet went to them!!

Avu:hey guysss
She chirped while sitting on her seat just besides jannat!!

Sweet pink:we are not gonna talk to you
They said with a fake angry face!!!

She said  with a confused pout

Rits:huh?why you didn't even tell us that you are married

Anu:ok if you want us to forgive you then you should tell us your and sir's love story

Hearing this avneet cheek burned and she chocked in air!!!

Avu:what no,there is no love between us and i don't know much but if you want i will tell you how our marriage happened!!!

Sweet pink:ok

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next Guys ik it's been some days i had posted But guys now days i hadn't getting any story lines and you can aee that by this chappy!!!But i will try from today ok!!If you like my chapter then pls vote an...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Guys ik it's been some days i had posted
But guys now days i hadn't getting any story lines and you can aee that by this chappy!!!
But i will try from today ok!!
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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